Headband 5 Weeks into Flower Having Yellowing/Drooping Problems


Well-Known Member
ive used ro water and tap water in the same grow and didn't see any difference. The only difference with ro water is that you know EXACTLY whats going in there and thats it, theres all sorts of shit in tap was so you can only guess what might be in there


Well-Known Member
We never have tap water problems, we are lucky here in wales, the land is very clean and pure too, different over in england but hey who cares about them. I see a lot of american and bigger city water having some nasty things in it and also the bad type of chlorine which is put into the water as a chemical and not a harmless gas like overhere. They say leave the water out for 24 hours, well that is only if you live in an area like me where they inject under pressure chlorine gas into the water, the other type of chlorine dosen't dissapate into the atmosphere and therefore will never leave the water. I do not agree with the addition of fluride and one or two of the other additions to water but when i thoroughlt researched the drinking water in my area it made me want to drink more of it! It is very tasty and thirst quenching too, if i gave it to you and said it was mineral water you would not know the difference. I am lucky with my water and pH to about 7, bad thing is the bills cost a lot!