Heat and humidity issues...kindly help


Well-Known Member
Ill start by explaining my growing environment. Im building a rubbermaid growing container. (will have a journal from nothing to something with all DYI materials in full detail)

Anyway before my first grow under cfl's i wanted to take general reading from the room that it is going to be in. Im not going to have any issues with coolong and heat issues inside the actual growing container. 4 fans and ventilation are going to the be ok. The problem is, after taking reading from the room, the is absolutly no humidity. The barometer in the room reads zero. For a 7 dollar thermometer and barometer it works pretty damn good. Also you can tell by the throught test when you first wake up. after drining 15 glasses of water you are still dry. I know a humidifier is the answer but how much should I leave it on? How close to the intake fans should it be?

Another problem is the heat. Heat fluctuates in the winter from 65 to 85F. There is baseboard heat. The thermometer is placed about 6 inches from the radiator. I dont think a plant can take this much fluctuation in temp. Is there a "portable" unit that i can buy, relatively cheep that does both a/c and heat?

Any help would be greatly appriciated...
Thanks again,


Well-Known Member
You sure you have a barometer and not a hygrometer? A barometer measures air pressure, a hygrometer measures humidity.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry... Its easy to confuse my fish stuff with my plant stuff... Thats what i meant..ha