Heat problem


Active Member
i have a stealth cab that has started to get hotter recently with additon of new bulbs, my problem is that i can vent the air fine but the room the cab is in becomes hot, which means the cab is then sucking back in hot air, and it creates a cycle that gets hotter, is there anyway i can cool the air? or im thinking of building a diy cool tube for my 2 large cfls to vent the heat from them straight out, rather than having my cab heat up and then trying to vent all the air inside that cab, including all the smells, does anyone know of any tutuorials or of anyone that has made a cfl cooltube?


Well-Known Member
Depending on how how hot you're talking about. Say in the 85's to low 90's F. I would consider implementing CO2 into your grow box. Your plants will love it and can take the heat if there is enough CO2 in the area.
There are many DIY CO2 Generators in the DIY Section.