helicopter im not paranoid.


a police helicopter hovered literally right the fuck over my house....and circled it multiple times for hours along the course of it's neighborhood check out.

it got very low in my backyard and all the vegetation was blowng around and twisting crazily.

the only major lamp i have is a 150 watt hps....other then that i use around 300 watts of cfls.

i also have a 395cfm exhaust fan that recirculates the waste heat through the actual ac unit once it goes through an odor absorber and carbon filter.

i feel infrared is the problem here...but in all honesty my grow room maintains an 83 degree temp.

all together my room pulls around 600 watts total.

but with the only heat signature being emitted from the tiny 150 watt HPS.

the police did some screwed up things like hover over my roommate when he left the house.

i know some people are paranoid but this is by far wayyyyyyyy too close to chance with my mental stability.

my plants are around 3 feet tall and i only have 5.

they are in the first week of flower and i had to cut the lights for a total of 20-30min......would this at all affect them? and what is up with the police helicopter and it circling my house atleast 20 times......my roomate also said a guy was leaning into hte window of the chopper to look down at the house.......

i honestly am nervous, but maybe someone with a bit of experience can better determine the situation.

also i have an ac duct that is ly above the entire grow room...would this defuse the heat source if looked at from above??

and another side note.....they did circle around the house and neighborhood about 2 weeks ago but not this determined and singling out my home.
United States I imagine? Generally the helicopters start flying right around now and last into november looking for the infrared signature of outdoor crops mainly. By the sounds of your setup, all should be cool. You arent raising flags with massive amounts of electricity or heat just small normal amounts. What they could do though is find that 150w HPS heat signature, and come back later to see if it is on 24/7 and in the same place.

Usually when they start checking closely at people, its because of a snitch. Such as a hunter walking through the woods finds a crop, tells the game commission, game commissioner gets in helicopter with police, and so on and so forth.

Probably just a little freaked out, give it a few days and see if they come back.


Well-Known Member
man that really sucks, i would be freaking the fuck out right now, i know that the rational side of me would say that it wouldnt make sense that they would come after me for a small op especially because the heat signature is almost nothing, but the fact that they followed someone out of your house is a bit disturbing, i would call the police department and file a disturbance claim. or something to make them know you know they are there.


Active Member
it is very possible for a neighborhood snitch to tell the police. are you being careful when going about your activities? i trip out when there are helicopters in my neighborhood.


Well-Known Member
ok 5 plants??????...... i dont think the police would go after 5 plants............unless there cranking out a pount each so it makes them think u have more....u should be fine with 5... just get rid of any evidence of u sell it...if they cant prove u sold any then u dont even get jail time


Active Member
Check the news to see if they might be looking for a person on the run. With that small of a light I don't think they could pick up anything they could get a warrant for.

In the even that they did get a warrant and bust you with 5 plants, I don't think you have much to worry about if you live in a MMJ state because 5 plants are personal use and it doesn't seem likely that theyll even arrest you. Ive read about people with hundreds of plants not being arrested, their shit was just confiscated. Theyre gunna look REALLY stupid if they spend the tax payers money to raid a house with 5 plants.


Active Member
Check the news to see if they might be looking for a person on the run. With that small of a light I don't think they could pick up anything they could get a warrant for.
I agree with Miss on all points here.. Sounds like they were looking for someone who got away from them on foot, and possibly trying to identify your roomate as a possible suspect. Your 150W HID and a room temp about @ 83 isnt throwing up red flags anywhere. Check out youtube or something that has helicopters finding grow houses/rooms etc. Usuaully there is an abundance of heat being put off that is completely unoridnary.

I've got a 400 watt and my room stay at around 81-82....

Hopefully cops have bigger things to worry about than a grow for personal use of 5 plants... :leaf:


thank you so much...i thought it could be someone who was fleeing on foot until the helicopter ce level with the second stame down to of the home....which is where the room happens to be.

i know there isn't a large enough heat signature........but i am terrified.....i just moved into this area.....i do not live in a neighborhood i am surrounded by an empty lot and the forest on almost all sides.....also i just found out that as my roomate left in his car there was a police officer in his car about a block from our house and another one positioned about another block down.....incredibly close.

i feel that from looking down at the house there is no signature due to the insulation of the 1980s built home.....but when the helicopter aligned at eye level with the second story i think that they could almost instantly see right through the thin wooden walls.......i am very unsure but logically and rationally my mind tells me not to worry but my gut tells me to be as cautious as possible.....

thank you for reassuring me.....but i will just wait and see.


Well-Known Member
You just got searched. Be sure not to sell and that you are in good terms with bills and state and federal taxes. Also make sure your reg is up to date. I would think of it like this. If its your meds, than its your meds. If you saw someone drowning and didn't help them because there was a no swimming sign, or no tresspassing sign....wouldn't that be bad. I hate to think of the US govn't and any govn't of the free world as draconian as a whole. It seems to me the folks who get raided, on general have large amounts...almost tons of marijuana. Or they have multiple drugs and have "set up shop". Basically i am not very old and have already put over a hundren thousand in taxes and rising. If you are in a position like this then it wouldn't make sense to make a bust. But if you are "essentially" a tax evadiing drug dealer...then there may be some issues. All i can say is put the shoe on the other foot. Its like are you going to pursue a purse snatcher or a bank robber, given the resources to only nab one. hmmmm. Its basically would you bust the meth house "endanging neighbors, or a closet grow that barely changes the ambiant temp. I would just take a long look at what exactly you are doing, and what is personal use.


Well-Known Member
Also try to follow whatever california law is. It makes no sense that in our "united states" that you can litterally be murdered over it in one state and its taxed and marketed in another. Basically its like slavery, and will be abolished everywhere. Keep it down to like two or three flowering plants at the most. No more that ten seedlings. And DON"T sell your SHIT! If you want the gov. to play nice then you gotta be fair. And besides if you follow the rules and keep it private and they come down on you...well then thats just wrong and the Media "easy to reach" would have a field day, further bringing it into the spotlight which Prohibition proponents don't want because the true voting majority is for taxation and representation and legalization. I think that the number one reason for marijuana current banishment is the attempt to have one safe drug for the youth. If older generations take all the "cool" out of pot then we may have quite a problem in the future. However i have been presented with a multitude of different drugs and took the approach of watch others, then maybe do. I really think thats how it goes. There is no gateway at all. Its whether it looks fun or not. Basically a bunch of dirty, sleepy, abusers may screw this all up.


Active Member
If there were multiple cops near your house, a helicopter flying obviously looking for somebody.. chances are they were just looking for someone, if they were going to bust you they would have done it then.

Why would they want to scare you and make you get rid of the evidence before they could make their bust, right? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
no no no on the disturbance claim. thats the whole point. Don't do that dammit! disturbance complaints are for construction equipment. Fucking A man, why would you even say that! Trying to fuck him?


Well-Known Member
yea, yea, they are looking for someody else...somebody who may have ran ealier and they did a passive pursuit. However if they we looking, then they can look into your house. I would say they have to. If you can find the taliban under 50 feet of a granite cave you can find a pothead and his stash. Doncha think. I say minimize it but dont destroy completely....Its like you have fallen in a lake that said no swimming......should you just let yourself drown, or break written law to save youself. Man knows less than 16% about the human brain...God knows 100%, weed was created with the earth so.....its good for us. If it were bad we would, as a whole right away know this. There would be no contraversy. There i a much bigger issue han money in this.


Active Member
Man knows less than 16% about the human brain...God knows 100%, weed was created with the earth so.....its good for us.
I don't think "God" is the appropriate reason for the use of marijuana. There a separation of church and state in America and your wasting you breath by using the god defense and making yourself look ignorant of the laws.

Its as useful as saying "God told me to murder that guy". Never gunna work.


Well-Known Member
Fuck man...... I would bleach your entire body and burn the house down!! OR you could just not worry about it, they not going to bother spending money on bringing a heli in, search warrant, and all the rest for such a small crop.
Fuck man...... I would bleach your entire body and burn the house down!! OR you could just not worry about it, they not going to bother spending money on bringing a heli in, search warrant, and all the rest for such a small crop.

i seen a swat team lower and harness a old lady across the street for township safety. never say never


Well-Known Member
I thought searching for heat signatures was deemed unreasonable search and is illegal.


Active Member
The gas they used is more then the value of the weed your growing. As long as you've followed the first rule of Fight Club your fine. On the other hand if you didn't follow the first rule of fight club you should get your ass kicked (metaphorically speaking of course). Sorry man its the way of the world. Keep to yourself and I'm sure your fine. 5 plants is not worth the time to follow up.

VV Cephei

Active Member
United States I imagine? Generally the helicopters start flying right around now and last into november looking for the infrared signature of outdoor crops mainly.
This is a bit of misinformation that I've often heard around forums. There is no heat signature for Mj plants. Infrared cannot detect plants outside, as there is no excessive amount of heat given off by plants. What infrared has been used for in helicopters is to spot indoor grows because of the great amount of heat that is generated from having multiple lights. You'd have to check your local laws, but in many areas those types of 'flyovers' are not permitted without a warrant of some sort.