Hello Everybody!!!! Welcome to my thread....Brand New , Lets See How We Do!I


Active Member
okay pics of one of the affected leaves......

PHOTO 5, is probably the best shot showing accurate colouring,

notice the brown, and it is brown going on black, and the tips curling up, and now the sides are curling also........


Thanks Very Much guys!!!!!





Well-Known Member
They do look like they have been singed at the edges but I think if it was your light they would have gone white with the heat not black. This is an internal plant problem from what i can see. You also said that it was only on one of the plants. It could be a P-K nute lock out for example. What are you feed ratios and has the plant just gone into flower? I just looked at some of the old pics and the leaves are way down the side that is affected. How is the overall growth at the moment? And this is DWC so I am totally lost, but check to see what your roots are uo to, culd be something with them. Sorry bru, not a dwc mind of info I am afraid.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah it looked like heat or something yesterday but the new darkening round the edges is nute defficiency or not enough nutes but i'm not sure exactly what the problem is mate i'm just guessing really. a flush with new nutes at the correct ec and ph wouldnt hurt them bro and thats probs what i would do :)


Active Member
thanks guys ......as it is just the one it has got to be internal.

Thanks again guys will report back with ratios of food soon



Active Member

have now got a lil oscikating fan which has defo cooled the room down, and the plant seems to be doing ok, havent seen any further signs of stress.....as tyet.

Will be keeping my eye on them tho, checking every few hours........

intake fan getting put on door tonight so it doesnt need to be opened as will be flowering soon....

I have tried a bit of lsting on the other one aswell, quick question for you guys......

After i have tied them down and let them go again, can i flower them ?? , or do i have to wait a couple of weeks for the plant to recover???? I will be tying down again during flowering so have i just answered my own question??

Need to get these puppies flowering!!! lol

Thanks for any replies in advance



Active Member
Hi guys!! ....

Been gone awhile , been having some private issues but am now gonna be back on the thread updating as much as i can!
Hope everyone is cool ,

Right, am now on week 4 flower, (monday being end of week 3 of flower) ...and they are looking fine...will post pics up tonite.
Ok.. so heres the nutrient line up i have been using / will be using...just managed to grab the camera for 5 mins to take quick snap.
All Canna line....bluelab truncheon and phpen.

Okay thats it till later when the ladies are awake.......
Speak soon guys!



las fingerez

Well-Known Member
nice selection of nutes bro :) try the canna aqua range next time mate, its more designed for bubblers like u got. shouldnt make much difference but canna hydro is designed for run to waste systems such as NFT that doesnt re-circulate the nutes :)

Canna Hydro is a two part nutrient for use in "run to waste" hydroponic systems meaning any system in which the water is not recirculated but allowed to drain away
Canna Aqua is formulated for use with recirculating hydroponic systems like Flood and Drain, NFT, Aeroponics and Wilma Pots (when using clay pebbles).


Active Member
hey las!!

yes i did run the canna aqua throughout veg, and for week 1 of flower ....due to the fact i get it all for free of pals... and ran out .....just got given the hydro ones instead. :)
So.... i did som digging, where a few journals had said they had been mis-sold in the local shop, or where they purely just bought the wrong ones and all reviews said that it worked just fine.
so as i am on a major tight budget i thought i would give it a run!

Anyway got some pics of one of the ladies for you guys to have a ganders at :) .



Active Member
hey las.......
would you trim any of the leaves from the middle for better circulation??? i have haerd mixed reviews... cheers dude.



Well-Known Member
I'm not las clearly but I would trim up the bottom 3rd of the plant right when veg ends. Those low shoots only produce larfy nugs that are smal and take vital energy. Trim up! And don't listen to tose who say its killing the energy intake I.e. removing solar panels equal less growth. Those bottom ones get no light anyways.


Active Member
thats what i thought, was first go and didnt realise how bushy they would get!!

damn i wish i trained them now... or scrogged them of course , and removed all the scraggy branches to concentrate light etc to a few less, butt bigger budz.

but hey ho.....it is all a lurning curve!!



Active Member
cool mate

yeah i am hopng for anything mate , (8 oz would b great tho, dont get me wrong lol)

first go at it so its all good my friend.