Hello Everyone! First Real Grow! CFL's


Active Member
Hows it going everyone. I would just like to thank everyone on this site for all the great information and hands on knowledge you all have. I have learned a great deal from reading.

This is my first real grow under CFL's, I just dont have the cash to drop on HPS system yet. I had tried it befor but I was learning as my plant was growing, so that came out really bad, LoL.

I always dreamed of having a nice stealthy cabnit grow.

-I found a cabnit about 1.5ftD x 3ftW x 7ftH - Free
-I built a Light reflector out of 2Cup o Noodle's boxes. They had a nice shape I could work with. - Free
-6500k Daylight CFL's 26w x6 = 10$
-2700k Warm White CFL's 46w x6 = 7$
-1 Mini 10in Boxfan for air on lights / Mixing air in room.... 1 6in Outtake Fan at the top of box...... 6inx24in Filter for fresh air and extra filters to lock out light for flower. = 20$
-Indoor temp/humidty guage = 5$
-Microscope = 10$
-3gal Pots x3, 1 MG Soil bag, Ferts, Bonemeal, Superthrive = 25$
-Tin foil to reflect the light. ( Ill be getting mylar as soon as i can find it ).

So all in all it was around 75$ for my setup with all accessories.

I couldnt get ahold of any good seeds. I was to anxious to use my new setup. I grabbed some random bag seed, used the paper towel method and got 3 good strong seeds to sprout.

Nov 29th they were planted and the next day there were out of the soil! I was stunned.( Considering my first grow took about 3 weeks to get to this point, LOL, it was a big mess, but I learned alot! ). ( ill edit this later and upload the pics )

My 3 Very special ladies were growing great and fast! I planned on a 1month veg, 2 month flower grow period. (ill upload pics when I get home)

Jan. 2nd, I switched out my daylight CFL's, with my Warm white CFL's. My 3 special ladies were put into 12/12.

Jan. 10th, I noticed 2 Hermies, 1 Female... I pulled the Hermies. Instead of just tossing them, I did a mock Hang drying with them since I dont have any expirance with Drying and cureing at all. (Learned alot).

Jan. 26th, Almost 3 weeks into flower. My baby has blow up with new leaves and the buds are finally starting to form!. ( I had Stunned them on accident for about 3 days the soil was really dry, I didnt notice how much more water they took in during flowering ).

Here are the most recent pics I took today. This the the Female, I topped it awhile ago, Its growing strong! Grow baby Grow! :joint:

Outside of Cabnit.

Inside of Cabnit. (6in fan, Light reflector, homemade pully system )

Pics of the CFL's i use.. Veg / Flower

Thats all I got for now. Any critisism, Comments, Ideas are welcome here.. Thanks alot for Stopping by.


Active Member
looking good Murderin,,and welcome,,I have a small cab with cfl's as well,,if ya wanna check it out,, https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/40812-garden-even.html seems you have done some reading,,and maybe wouldn't mind some more,,in those pics,,how old are the plants,,my bad if I coulda figured it out,,but I'm stoned,,

Keep on Growin

Thanks alot for stopping by HoLE, They are into the 3rd week of flower,(50days? 1month veg, 3weeks flower so far, Im currently at work so i cant check my calendar) But I know I stunned them for a few days during flowering, lack of watering. I will deffintly check out your journal, seems the more I read the better I get. :mrgreen:

Ill get better pics up for you guys when I get my digi camera. Pics from my phone arnt to great.


Active Member
I transplanted my baby into an organic mix with bone meal (right befor I started 12/12) for flowering. I am at week3 of flowering. I am hesitant to add any nutes to it for the fear of burning. Should I wait 2 more weeks? or can I start adding nutes slowly?
( At this point, This is my First grow this far, I am happy so far with my results. I jsut dont want to over do it while they are in flower ).

Any help would be greatly appricated..

Thanks, Murderin :joint:


Active Member
I was wondering why I didn't see to much flowering this last week.

I just found out that my light timer went from 12/12 in the 2nd week of flowering to 9/15. So thats a week with 9/15 lights when I thought it was flowering, is this going to effect my plant?
I figured it interrupted the cycle and went back to just veg.. Does this mean that I need to restart my Flower cycle? does the first 2 weeks still count?

Any help or info would be great!



Cheese Head
screwing with the light cycle could turn her into a hermie. Dont mean to scare you but it could. I would put it back to 12/12 as soon as you can.


Active Member
Thanks for stopin in Funnyguy. Yea I switched the timer back to 12/12 as soon as I noticed. Think I will invest in a better timer.
I Hope it dosent turn hermie, No sign's of it yet. Only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
So my baby is lookin good. There is no sign's of her turning into a hermie after my light timer mishap.
Here are some pics I took this morning.
looking good Murderin,,yes ,,you should be using nutes,,in flower,,if you had planned on using them,,I would say get to it,,I have an advanced nutes schedule that shows feeding from week 1 of bloom,,:hump:

Keep on Growin



Active Member
nice grow..you shuld put of pics of ur light setup..
Sure I can do that for ya. It will be tomorrow though, Lights out right now.
Thanks for stoppin by beennoobed.

Anyone know anything about MG Bloom Booster? its a 15/30/15 powder that you mix with your water.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow Murderin! I too would like to see some pics of the lights and the inside of the cabinet. The babies look great! Good luck and much bud!

Peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
bro get that tin foil out of there man, use white plastic garbage bags if you have to, i did for awhile until my mylar arrived... the big bags for like the kitchen garbage... GLAD!


Active Member
Thanks for stoppin by strikinghigh55. I was busy this morning so I couldnt get the pics for you guys. Ill post them tomorrow, it will be lights out when I get home tonight.

Beennoobed, I finally jusy got my mylar last night, so all that tin foil is out. I couldnt find it anywhere, Luckly I found it at a flower shop, So if anyone is looking for Mylar, Check out your local flower shop. Picked mine up for 10$, it was a 24x200ft roll.

Also, just an update. My timer switched on me to 9/15 for a week in the middle of week 2 of flowering. So far so good, I have no signs of my female turning Hermie on me. Maybe it is genetics of plants that do it. No idea though, this is only my first real attempt and my first grow this far into flowering stage.

Ill post pics of my setup tomorrow for you guys..

Thanks for stopping by.. :joint:


Active Member
HAHA yea, I blamed it on my GF's cat. THAT CAT IS OUT TO GET ME I TELL YOU! Maybe I need to get him blazed so he can appreciate it. :joint: