Hello from South Africa!


New Member
A very Irie High all From South Africa!

I am a beginner Grower and have been a daily toker for a few years now.

I am currently doing my 1st outdoor grow, It is only two plants as out of 5 I was left with only 2 females. Both the strains I am growing is local bag seed. I am currently.

I had 3 preveous failed attempts and One female died on me as I was VERY inexperienced and did everything I was not supposed to. The Afghanistan kush is only One single kola due to my noob experience.... Will post pictures later as I settle in.

1 x Afghanistan kush
1 x Local Swazi

My current grow medium is a organic promix:

- Coco peat
- Perlite
- Talborne organics (fertiliser - slow release)
- Turbogrow - Liquid nuitrients

I have also recently finished below projects:
- DIY mini clone bubbler
- DIY Micro Indoor CFL grow (45cmx45cmx75cm - Bigjym plastic box)

I am planning on growing Sannies/E$co Chocolate Rain as my fist indoor grow with the above grow box. just waiting to get past my 1st grow.



New Member
It's always important to have healthy balanced soil, u on the right track, going all organic, but I wouldn't use too much the slow release fertiliser, Mary j has 2 main cycles, vegetative and flowering, these cycles use different nutes. For ur vegetative growth u need lots of nitrogen and for flowering u need mor phosphorus and potassium, so it's better to make a heavy living soil and add extra nutes as needed, for this I make an organic nutrient tea at home and it keeps my ladies growing strong and healthy.
For the soil mix I use:
Well composted organic compast
Bat guano
Seagull guano
Alfalfa meal
Bone meal
Blood meal

Turbo grow rock phosphate
Kelp meal
Dolomite lime(ph regulator)
worm casings.
And most importantly - mycroroot, this is microbial bacteria that attach themselves to the roots and process the nutrients from the soil into sugars that can be absorbed by the plants

And for the tea:
Pretty much everything above exept for the Alfalfa meal amd bone meal.
And add some molasses to feed the microbes.... More molasses as they flower as it is high in phosphorus and potassium....

Hope that's helpful, good luck with ur grow, before u know it u will be growing 3kg giants like thisIMG-20160330-WA0001.jpeg,