HELP! 3 weeks into flowering, yellowing, dying leaves, HELP!!! PICS!!


Hey hey guys, this is my first gro op, on a tight budget, so I can't afford the fancy HID lamps yet. Anyway, Ive used fluorescent lighting the entire gro.
So I've been groin this baby for about 4 months now, just switched to 12/12 three weeks ago. She was doing perfect until I decided to add some 10-10-10 nutes last week, along with a tsp. of mollases diluted with a few gallons of water.
About 4 days later I noticed a change in the leaves - yellowing, browning, one of the leaves actually fell off. I cut a few off but saved a few to show you guys whats up. I only water once a week so I don't know what the problem could be, she has never had any issues before so please help me out



Well-Known Member
some yellowing is normal for the flowering stage, but the way the edges of the leafs are yellow looks more like a nutrient problem.

id do a flush or two(letting the soil dry out between flushes) and then give her a good feeding with flowering nutes, and maybe a droplet of veg nutes(after it drys again, of course)

edit; could be a magnesium deficiency, or a magnesium lockout from incorrect soil ph


some yellowing is normal for the flowering stage, but the way the edges of the leafs are yellow looks more like a nutrient problem.

id do a flush or two(letting the soil dry out between flushes) and then give her a good feeding with flowering nutes, and maybe a droplet of veg nutes(after it drys again, of course)

edit; could be a magnesium deficiency, or a magnesium lockout from incorrect soil ph can I add magnesium?
2.also, should I cut the yellowing leaves?
3.what is a good NPK value for flowering?
BUMP come on mane my bud is at stake here
From what I learned so far with the trial and error with nute issues is to test the ph of water before you add it, then run off, right now flush the shit out of it with passable ph water and it will recover 4 days or so,, the leaves that have damage dont ever cut unless fully dead,, If you read my journal I started out in a pc case,, then failed cuz of nute lockout,, learned a bunch and then startted out over now in a closet,, flowering 6 females but anyway i just fucked up again with too much nutes,, i flushed real good and they are already getting better,, I also and u also need to use LIME OR CALMAG. Some sort of calcium,, my cheap ass is using eggshells and eggshell tea also molasses"which is magnesium" or "epsom salt" will work very goood! good luck btw.
Feed ur plants very small doses first then slowly bump them up when they have no effect as far as burning twisted leaves or dried leaves. and i would get different bloom nutrients,, you dont really need 10 in nitrogen,, get like high p k nutes,, mainly p for flowering


Hey hey guys, this is my first gro op, on a tight budget, so I can't afford the fancy HID lamps yet. Anyway, Ive used fluorescent lighting the entire gro.
So I've been groin this baby for about 4 months now, just switched to 12/12 three weeks ago. She was doing perfect until I decided to add some 10-10-10 nutes last week, along with a tsp. of mollases diluted with a few gallons of water.
About 4 days later I noticed a change in the leaves - yellowing, browning, one of the leaves actually fell off. I cut a few off but saved a few to show you guys whats up. I only water once a week so I don't know what the problem could be, she has never had any issues before so please help me out
I had some yellowing on my plant when I started to flower but I quit giving them N. I also thought I had salt buildup from my nutes so I added some ebson salts, only like 1/2 teas. per gal. Gave them a shot of nitrogen and it went away so not sure which cured the problem! to early for mollases in my opion by looking at the plants. I could be wrong though, still on my first grow:?:



Thanks to previous posters +REP for all EXCLUDING JAKETHETANK. I poked a hole in the side of the bucket and poked the soil - its wet, not soaked, but very damp still from last weeks flush. Im thinking the container may be an issue as well. Its approx. 3 gallons , theres a fuckload of the plants roots are visible 2 inches below the surface, could size be a problem? Should I transplant to a 5 gallon?
go buy Cal Mag plus and add to the plant. It looks like a magnesium deficiency. GH sells one with no nitrogen and CalMagplus come with nitrogen. Go to the Store tommarrow and get it. At first symptoms the plants has been deficient for 4-6 weeks.


Active Member
Im using 15 leter container for my plant. It is hydro though. I think you will be fine. i would'nt transplant in flowering. Deff a nute prob. my guess is not anuff N. Add a bit of veg nutes for some N. I read that you said your lights touch.? You never want them touching, that is stress man. if you have cfls a 1/2 inch-1 inch away is fine, depending on temp. (75-80degrees) but NO touching ever. You said you added mollases with a few gallons of water. I think u could have deluted 2 much. Deff check PH in soil and always feed with a good PH in the nutes 5.5-6.5 is good for most plants. Also make sure you have complete darkness during the night time. No cam flashes, no flash lights, no light at all. Focus more on P and K after you see her perk back up. And never take leaves off. Deff not off a youngster cuz those first shoots will end up being your huge fan leafs and you want those puppys. The plant will suck out anything good in the leaf and then drop it. I hope all works out. good luck... check out my shit. It is my first (indoor) grow. But its going pretty smooth. I will be adding more pics soon. I spent 80 bucks on a 150watt HPS and i have 8 CFLs. 4 on the sides and 4 up top with the HPS. I cant wait!!!! lata playa


Well-Known Member
follow kxxx's advice 2 tha letter and u'll b grand. i dont kno what nutes ure usen but id assume its mg or the like , with that said i understand ure on a budget but u can go 2 lowes and purshase alaska brand fish emulsion 2-3-1 and it is waaayyy better than mg or the like and cheap . mix 2 tsp per gallon , good luck :leaf: