Help 911


Active Member
this is a cry for immeadiate help from all of the experienced growers, knowledgable growers, or any grower that made this mistake...please help me... I left for a weekend and asked my friend to water my ladies... I figured he didnt kno what he was doing, so i made the mix for him ( a gallon of bottled water, drop of superthrive, 1 oz of botanicare pure blend bloom pro soil, tablespoon of molassas)...i made six juggs of this blend and he used four.. He called and told me he watered the plants and after he watered them he noticed a little mold in the water... I told him to use a tablespoon of the botanicare clearex solution in a gallon of water and flush them right away.... He did... Honestly, i feel this is my fault for leaving my girls and not knowing that mold could grow in water with molassas... My plants have been flowering for 21 days and are supposed to be done flowering in 60-70 days..i have just read 10 diffrent articles and essays on moldy water, root rot and parasites.... They have only been watered with the molded water once; however, i am aware the mold grows in dark damp places :'(. My plants were very healthy and very motivated until this point… my temp stayed around 78 and my humidity around 50%... Im so pissed, sad and disapointed right now.... I tried to give all the information because i need to know; has this ever happened to anybody, how worried should i be about the spread of this mold after only one watering, what can i do to prevent any possible defects before they happen... Thank you all for your time and input, and i hope nobody will lose sleep over this like i am going to….. Please respond, so i can eat again my friends!!!!! Thank you


Well-Known Member
Let the pots dry out completely before watering again. Let the plants visibly droop. At the same time, get yourself a spray that kills mold, there are plenty of them in any gardening isle at any store.

Spray the top of the soil. Don't drown it, but spray it just enough for good coverage.

Water the plants making sure to go in circles around the plant with a small stream so the mold stuff goes straight down all over and not just running through one area and out your drain holes without really getting in there.

Again, please do not overdo it on the mold killer, a little goes a long way.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I hope you forgive me, but I laughed at your post so hard, because it reminded me of myself the first time I did this. It was my first grow, so I thought, why bother mixing the stuff in the water every time, when I can do it just once. I kept the mix in a tetra pack (no light) so the moment I watered it the next time, a ton of mold sank into the soil.

There is only one measure of precaution you can use to get rid of any mold. As OregonMeds already explained, get a nice anti-mold spray from any typical plant shop (around here, even florists sell these), spray the soil, not too much, cause it could harm your plant, then flush.

This happened to me while my plant was still very young. I didn't know what to do, so I just flushed and let it be. Nothing bad happened. No root rot or anything of that sorts.

PS: DO NOT USE ANY MOLASSES RIGHT NOW OR FOR THE NEXT 1-2 WEEKS. I'm thinking you can guess why.


New Member
I used to worry about nothing too. ;-)

Next time get a Rubbermaid w/ an air pump & diffuser. If you keep it bubbling you can mix mass quantities. Why not install a dripper system so you don't have to put it on someone else.