Help, A newbie nute question.


Active Member
Okay, so i planted my seeds last week. (Mids, outdoor grow) they've all sprouted within the past few days. They are mids, I haven't paid a dime for anything :lol: and would like to continue to do so. I don't plan on buying any chemicals for this plant. So what household items should I use for nutes?

I've heard using a brown sugar or mollasses water mixture is good. When do I start using that? Also would bananas in the soil do any good? And the last question is I have miracle grow feed around the house (little green pebbles) should I ever use that?


Active Member
I only use molasses after the 4th week of flower.

I'm not sure about bananas but I know they do contain a good amount of Potassium.

Lastly, stay away from Miracle Grow at pretty much all costs.


New Member
Why don't you spend a little money on quality nutrients and grow some nice plants?

If you don't, I suspect you'll be back in this forum posting with the heading: "Help! My Plants Are Drooping!"



Well-Known Member
I use molasses as soon as flowering starts... bananas do have potassium... they also attract fruit flies and other grim things... a good basic nute costs about $7...
I used 20-20-20 (veg) 10-52-10 (flower) for years... just be careful as its strong...
MG.. I like to nute the plants myself.. thats how you learn ....


Well-Known Member
Vi, because I am broke :) lol. And Twistyman I am a total newb, therefore I have no idea what those numbers mean. Care to elaborate?
NPK.. the three main nutes.. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.. for veg the N must be high.. 10-5-5....4-2-2 whatever..and for flower the P should be the highest and the K next... 5-15-10- the ratios I'm giving are just examples..if you are poor the cheap ones I said will work well and they're only $7 each for a 2 year supply.. the plant in my av was given 20-20-20 + 10-52-10.. you have to work with what you got/or don't have $$...