help: a tent with lots of white widows!

420 swede

Active Member
Okay so soon im gonna start up my 400/600w 120cm(3.93feet)x120cm(3.93feet)x2m high tent crop.

So what would u have done with that space?
I'm thinking about having 10-20 plants and im defenity going soil for the first 2 crops at least.
So loads of small ones vegged like 2 weeks or so into a Sea of green OR go with around 10 plants in big pots and give them one of those fine LST treatment.

I have no experience with special treatmeant other then fimming one crop earlier, got some sweet twin colas ^^.

At first i will put all my money on the grow room and that thing only so for the first two, for myself its speaking for less plants with since ill probably will grow them from seed.

Dont have any good sealed up space for mother/clones other then the tent and cant afford building a new stealth one thats ventilated until i get some profit going.
The alternative would be to start getting a mother up with a cfl before my gear arrivives and then clone it to flower the clones to make sure the sex is allright.
Then go Sea of green and hang the mother up on the side between lamp and the ongoing crop without shading them too much, wrap the bottom in plasting for not dripping water/nutes and flower the mother together with the entire crop.

Any thought about that, i can seriously not be bothered keeping a mother alive during summer (wont grow in summer, too hot) anyway so just save that part about saving it forever to speed up the start and good genetics =) maybe ill do it after summer.

Edit: with too hot in the summer i meant too hot in the apartment from time to time, i cant have peakdays with the air being 25-30 indoors..would become like 40 celcius inside that tent for a minimum ^^..might try some swiss cheese outdoor tho =)


Well-Known Member
ive got the same size of tent but i run 1000 watts in it, i had six full size plants going in soil, although i moved one due to hermie probs and i dont think i'd go above five in flower again, i dont top or lst or sog , i just let em grow. harvest is tomorrow and i expect around 4 oz per plant maybe a bit more, that was 5 weeks veg and 8 and a half in flower ,strains are' the church' and 'lawoman', feminized seeds( coz i cant be fucked throwing time and money at possible males), i used bio bizz grow and bloom with mollasses over the last 3 weeks. think i may do something like u were talkin about concerning gettin a mother after the summer but i think i'm gonna build a full cloning station and mother box.

420 swede

Active Member
ive got the same size of tent but i run 1000 watts in it, i had six full size plants going in soil, although i moved one due to hermie probs and i dont think i'd go above five in flower again, i dont top or lst or sog , i just let em grow. harvest is tomorrow and i expect around 4 oz per plant maybe a bit more, that was 5 weeks veg and 8 and a half in flower ,strains are' the church' and 'lawoman', feminized seeds( coz i cant be fucked throwing time and money at possible males), i used bio bizz grow and bloom with mollasses over the last 3 weeks. think i may do something like u were talkin about concerning gettin a mother after the summer but i think i'm gonna build a full cloning station and mother box.

thanks for the input, ill give nirvanas ww fem seeds a go, they got good reviews and are cheap =9..mostly got 10/10 crack open and become females but the only way to know is to see for myself, ill probably do 10 plants anyway and i pretty much know what size in veg stage i should flower them to get them to fit :P ill go under a month for sure ^^

edit: and take into account your plants have 400/600 more lightpower and you're probably a litle more experienced grower then me so the plants your having are growing faster and larger.

420 swede

Active Member
you will yield more doing SOG. the smoke will also be better quality. SOG all the way.

the dream would be to have 15-20 cm high minifield of just soil covering most of the 120x120 space...would be allot of soil to dispose of after every harvest but would be truely awsome grow, giving each plant 20 square cm or something but then i'd need a mother for sure :<