Help about after effects...

Hey guys I made an account on here to ask a pretty important question. Yesterday, I tried out my new bong and loved it. I took 6 rips within 10 minutes. I usually smoke 1-2 bowls a week a joint or a blunt. After the bong session, I totally lost it. I was extremely paranoid thinking I was about to die.I was extremely dizzy and scared. I also sprinted to take a shower but got out 2 minutes later thinking I was being suffocated. My heart was racing. I was also too afraid to sleep thinking I was going to die so I tried to listen to music and fall asleep. I got even more frightened and thought the rapper I was listening too came into my room and scared me. I finally fell asleep and woke up the next morning totally out of it and scared. It is now 24 hours later and I still feel disoriented. I am frightened that i might have derealization. I was also thinking it could be too much thc in my system than what I am used to? I have been smoking about 1-2 bowls a week for about 4 months now. I am in no shape or form a troll, and am hoping one of you can help me. I was thinking about rolling a joint to make me forget about this but did not know if that would make it worse? I bought a quarter O of this bud and have smoked it for a couple weeks and haven't had this happen before.Thanks.
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Well-Known Member
Possibly it was weed your not used to.
Then you speed smoked it n got too high.

I suspect the feeling you had when you woke up was residule anxiety n in your head.

Not a dr but I play one on a nurse.


Staff member
youre having an anxiety attack or panic attack what type of weed are you smoked alot more than you normally do
its most likely a sativa strain...which makes anxiety people a bit jumpy.

Do you feel nervous or have tummy troubles when youre out in public, crowded places?, or in social areas?
are you stressed out about something?
in this state youre most likely going to make it worse by smoking
youre having an anxiety attack or panic attack what type of weed are you smoked alot more than you normally do
its most likely a sativa strain...which makes anxiety people a bit jumpy.

Do you feel nervous or have tummy troubles when youre out in public, crowded places?, or in social areas?
are you stressed out about something?
in this state youre most likely going to make it worse by smoking
No I am actually a very social person. I get stressed out sometimes but smoking usually helps me with that... I ripped my bong 45 minutes before I had family coming over so I guess that might have something to do with it?


Well-Known Member
Classic overdose. Notice how you didn't die? You'll be fine by tomorrow and show some respect for miss bong in the future.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha u remember my girl 3y ago...
She got same overdose attack 2-3 times than never again... :D
If happen agin eat something with alot of sugar, fruit (pineapple,watermellon...) or just drink cola... this will help fast...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just a little too much, and once it's in you, you just have to wait for it to pass. It's pretty common when people take edibles, which can take a couple of hours to feel the effects. People get impatient and take another dose. Or two. And then there's nothing to do when it hits but wait it out.

But no one's ever died from it. :)


When i take bong rips i sometimes come close to passin out, like my vision starts to black out but that's when i hold it in for a good sec lol


Well-Known Member
God damn that was funny. Thanks for the laugh man. Sorry about your experience. The part about you sprinting to the shower then thinking it we suffocating you damn near did me in.