Help,damn mites are back,need another please!

I'm about 6 days away from chopping.I have to do one more flush in about 4 days when my soil dries and then 2 more days of complete darkness after that before chopping.I would seriously chop sooner but I know they need another flush, (runoff is still tea colored) and I don't want to drown them now!So I'm in there today and I feel stuff crawling all over me(same feeling I got in the beginning when I first spotted the mites), there's not too much damage and no webbing at all,the damage i do see is only the lower leaves,and its minor! I have seriously high sugar content because there's crystals and trichomes galore, I've been using molasses for past 5 weeks with nutes. Somewhere I read that if your brix content is high(high sugar content) the spider mites don't see it as food. I'm pretty sure that's what I have going on because I don't see any spider mite activity any where's near my buds, only on the lower leaves. I definitely need 6 more days and don't want to chance treating with anything especially organocide cuz I'll end up with a bunch of fish smelling bud.I definitely saw 8 or 10 single Mite larvae just starting to crawl and still completely translucent. one per leave in about 8 or 10 different places but all of them were on lower leaves and as far as I could see none of them had companions on the same leave! Meaning i couldnt spot two on the same leaf!they're still about a 100 to 150 ladybugs in there spread out throughout the room crawling on the plants and undersides of leaves,will I be okay for the next 6 days Plus a week of drying?Any recommendations would help.I treated with organocide about 6 weeks ago and although it did the trick at that time and got me through until now obviously it didn't completely rid me of them and also took me till about a week ago to completely get rid of the fish smell from 6 weeks ago. I put 1500 ladybugs in there also 6 weeks ago and as I said already they're still about a hundred fifty left after 6 weeks now.I don't know what to do and I do not want to harvest without following exactly what I've done on my last 4 grows,I always completely flush 3 times vigorously about 4 days apart until my water runoff is clear,this always happens by the 3rd flush,then 2 days after my final flush I turn the lights out and leave them off! two days in complete darkness before chopping! I then do a 3 step trim process,1 nice trim at chop down,another after 3 or 4 days of hanging,and a final touch up trim before jarring.I use my grow room to hang also because my space is limited!this had always served me well and I don't want to change something that's not broken nor do I really know how to do it any other way! these damn spider mites have really thrown a wrench in my works! I could really use some advice moral support or recommendations.