Help Deciding A Location For Guerilla Grow!


hey this is going to be my first time growing on Oahu and I just recently got me seeds and germed them july 7.

what factors i need to find a spot, i live in oahu and want to grow some dank budzzz.

thanks everyone


Active Member
sunlight!! lots of sunlight. cover! pretend u are the plant! don't let it be seen. especially from above. animals will eat ur shit be careful.


Active Member
I saw a thread on another site about a stealth trash can grow. The can sites outside with mylar on the inside and grows some nice stealth plants.:weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
Not sure where ouho is but just make sure the soil is moist, its mid summer now and most soil outside is very dry.


New Member
I have been told that morning sun influences growth more than evening sun, consider which side of the hill or clearcut to choose accordingly.
Water can be supplied as a drip system or a flood system from a food grade plastic barrel buried in the ground with water fed into it. Nutrients can also be added to this reservoir. South side and google maps already mentioned. Do not plant in a moist area, too much mold. Consider soil ph beforehand if you have that option. Tree lines where foliage is mismatched help conceal from the air. Access trails concealed by overhead cover are a good idea. Try to anticipate reasons people would travel through a given location. Hunting, hiking, prospecting, kyaking..... people these days are generally lazy and wont likely travel more than a few hundred yards off of the road. Or through horrible thorny/stinging brush either. Unless the are obsessed with something in that particular area. Deer, gold, mushrooms etc. Steep ass inaccessible hillsides are the best, but that's where the air patrol will be looking......
btw it's a little late too be starting outdoors this year if you want anything very big.


Well-Known Member
oahu? sounds like you'll have some big sativas going. just plant some in random places, not all in one spot. try to find places where there will be green all around, it will be better that way. if your plant is the only green thing around, you'll have problems.

do you have a dry and wet season in oahu? my only experience with hawaii was the south tip of the big island. it was dry season and everything was brown. drive up to hilo and you're in a rain forest. hawaii is weird.


eh I think I have a few spots in mind. gonna have 3 plots of 4 in so hopefully one plot makes it.

I was thinking of planting them in the ground for ease, it is sorta redish brown dirt but plants and trees grow on it though. anyone grew in hawaii that can give me some tips or anyone at all? gonna grow first time, tired of paying overpriced weed.


Active Member
Once you see how much work goes into growing bomb weed, you won't call it overpriced. Then again isn't everything taxed on the island?:weed::weed::weed: