HELP does the marijuana plant die after the first yeild? HELP


Well-Known Member
ofcourse, you cut all the branches off with the bud and then chop the rest up and throw it away lol
that is, unless you want to re-veg it, which is a completely different story


Well-Known Member
Mine never die! I grow hydro then harvest leave some bottom branching and transplant ingto 5 gallon containers and veg 14hrs or more of weak light for a few days, then your ready for whatever! easy enough?


Well-Known Member
just its natural life cyle.,.,.,.,.,it grows hopes to get pollinated/pollinate and passes drops to the ground/drops seeds and from those two plants meeting hundreads of seeds are spread all over from birds eating and dropping them and roddent ect spreading them around they grow and a new gen. of plants.,.,.,you can harvest gently and reveg some plants tho