Help drug test!

hey i have courtin 6 days and have recently found out if i piss clean i will be the lucky reciepient of unsupervised probation as oposed to supervised probation. i quit abour 6 days ago maybe 7 cant exactly remember i have been drinkin around 5-8 bottles of water a day, and exercising today i also started a nice lil niacin regimen and am going to sit in a sauna for 1 hour a day up untill the date of my test and also use a product known as formula 3 i am a chronic user usually but this last month up untill the day i last smoked was only smoking about a gram a day... just took a test and am still positive for thc.... fuck my life..... does anyone else have any crazy secrets that work or anyhelp... thank u all is appreciated..... it was a lot easier to pass these things before i started smoking kush instead of our local swag.... im roughly 5'9 and 180 pounds in pretty good shape please help thank u to anyone who responds in advance!


Active Member
What about those fake dicks they advertise in the back of High Times, whizzinator or some such nonsense. They come with some synthetic urine powder, fill it up and squeeze it out. They're not sold for getting past drug tests but for 'watersports'... still I wouldn't get a rubber dick sent to the house, my gf will be getting ideas!


Well-Known Member
My friend needed to pass a drug test for a job.. He stopped smoking for a couple days, drank 2 gallons of water and 2 gallons of cranberry juice throughout the day for a couple days.. needless to say he got the job.

using the sauna is a good idea but you have to remember to keep yourself hydrated or it won't work.. drink as much water and cranberry juice as possible.. you'll be pissin clear all day.

go to the smoke shop and buy a couple bottles of detox if your really scared.. drink a bottle every other day. Probation is a bitch but informal probation is better and waaaaay easier to deal with

GOOD LUCK NIGGA!! I hope for the best


Well-Known Member
What about those fake dicks they advertise in the back of High Times, whizzinator or some such nonsense. They come with some synthetic urine powder, fill it up and squeeze it out. They're not sold for getting past drug tests but for 'watersports'... still I wouldn't get a rubber dick sent to the house, my gf will be getting ideas!
lmao.. AWKWARD!


Well-Known Member
Shouldnt have been a chronic user. Looks like your in the frying pan now bro
More like shouldn't have gotten into trouble (hey it happens). Keep in mind that they can test for synthetic urines and masking agents so be careful which you go with. And I don't quite understand thinking behind the sauna. Do we sweat fat cells? If not that ain't helping either. Wish I could help bro but you might have to suck it up this time and do your best to keep your nose clean. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
drink lots water and take a multivitamin before the test...

that'll make you dilute the pee and it'll still come out all yellow...

good luck....


Well-Known Member
Slow down on the niacin. My buddy popped n the Marine Corps when he came back from afghan. He smoked all post deployment leave and tried to clean up with niacin and still got busted. The levels of B vitamins will set off a red flag and thats no bueno. Start drinkin the gallon jugs of water and arizona green tea and cranberry juice. Those r about the best things u can do. And yes to much liquid can kill u but only if u drank all 3 gallons n like a day lol its not easy to drink that much but n 6 days u can put that down easy. Continue ur work outs and whatever else ur doin. O and the detox drinks can make u pop to (again levels of vitamin that r trying to coat ur system). Good luck man