Help!! found hunting seat near my grow!


Well-Known Member
Okay i was on my way to water my plants today, and after hiking through the woods i discovered a newly placed camo hunting seat, the kind you sit in a tree and wait for deer. It was placed near the trail i take that leads right to my plants..The plants were threw my woods and into a farmers property, on the side of a old cornfield, The hunting seat is definitely his because i know he likes to hunt and Ive seen these seats before dirt biking threw his property way back in the day.

This was just put there a day or two ago
The trail kinda leads back to my house..!
Its just two plants i had growing

So i went to my plants they were amazingly still there, so i pulled them and hid them in the woods in some brush.

I'm really afraid Ive been spotted on a deer cam, and I'm also scared he will find the plants Ive hidden in the brush and report me.

Help me please.
don't worry too much about a deer cam if you aren't even sure there is one. as far as the plants go, were they in containers or in the ground? how far along are they? if they are close or even a few weeks premature you should seriously just think about harvesting early as premature smoke beats no smoke and possible legal trouble any day!


Well-Known Member
I take it they are not planted on your property. How many yards away was the hunting blind? What makes you think there's a deer cam? I would harvest any that are close and just come back once more to harvest the rest. Find out when hunting season ends and maybe you can wait until it's over.


Well-Known Member
they were in containers, i took them out of the containers and just chucked them in the woods in some brush. I dont even are about the smoke dude, i just dont wanna go to jail! If this dude was crazy enough to put a hunting perch up why not some deer cams you know..Also to be completely honest, the deer seat thingy is on my property! the plants were on the farmers property though, adjacent to mine.

Should i go back at night and grab the plants that i hid or just never go back and hope for the best!?

from my research deer cams work at night too..
look, go back and get them man! it seems like you are getting way too worked up over this when its doubtful this guy knows anything. like i said, you don't even know if there are any cams! even if there are, so what? deer cams are not the police and cannot arrest you. also, deer cams aren't cheap so i doubt this guy has them set up all over the place.


Well-Known Member
He's right to be paranoid. Hunters find grows every year and turn them in or rip them off. I'm betting the perch isn't the farmers. Why would he go to all that trouble when he can shoot one close to his house?


Well-Known Member
look, go back and get them man! it seems like you are getting way too worked up over this when its doubtful this guy knows anything. like i said, you don't even know if there are any cams! even if there are, so what? deer cams are not the police and cannot arrest you. also, deer cams aren't cheap so i doubt this guy has them set up all over the place.
Jails are filled with folks that think like you. I'm real close to 70 and never been for drugs yet. And that ain't the other half of it. ALWAYS suspect and expect the worst and act accordingly. Pot is extremely expensive in jail I hear. Pretty hard to get too, I imagine.


Well-Known Member
so what do i do! its very odd that the perch is like right on my property where the trail begins..its like he followed it back to my house set up a perch to scare me or something..i feel like its a sign that he knows. if i go back and get them what am i gonna do drag these monster plants through woods back to my house? IF there is a camera now im caught red handed..

im staring out my window waiting for the police im so paranoid its not even funny.

im thinking i go back with a ski mask on and put them in garbage bags and then burn them or something..
i might be a little paranoid if i was at my patch and some hunter came up yelling "hey you, stop!" but nothing of the sort happened. nobody even saw the OP walking to his spot. and if he is so worried about someone finding them, why not go back and get rid of the evidence? this is just my opinion, but he had 2 plants. most cops aren't gonna go to all this trouble to set up a sting or even investigate much over 2 plants, and thats assuming somebody not only found them, but then went the extra step and alerted the cops! there is no evidence whatsoever that any of that happened so go get them. if you are that worried about deer cams, go at night with something covering your face man!


Well-Known Member
do hunters hunt at night? i dont wanna stumble into this guy with a gun!
Im definitely going back at night with something covering my face, and grabbing the plants.
Jails are filled with folks that think like you. I'm real close to 70 and never been for drugs yet. And that ain't the other half of it. ALWAYS suspect and expect the worst and act accordingly. Pot is extremely expensive in jail I hear. Pretty hard to get too, I imagine.
well, i'm not 70 but i havent been arrested yet either so... its hard to read people through posts on a computer but it seems to me like the OP is young and this may be one of, if not his first grows and he is just super nervous, which there is nothing wrong with but don't let the paranoia train go off the tracks lol! hunting season has either started or will start soon in alot of areas so i don't get why its a big surprise to find a deer stand in the woods? when he thinks the person put it up to scare him i would say that paranoia has got the best of him! people put stands next to trails for a reason. the reason is deer as well as people follow them! like i said, cation is a good thing but don't let it drive you crazy!


Active Member
Where I am, hunters are not allowed to hunt at night. They go out in the evening and early morning. You should be fine during most of the day.
If you find a dear-cam, replace your pictures with gay porn.


Active Member
Why don't you just talk with your neighbor, mention that you saw a tree stand on your property and ask if he would happen to know anything about it, or have seen anyone setting up. You can even play the card that you are worried that someone unknown might be hunting on your property, and you don't want to end up as accidental jerky.

If it is his, who knows, he might not be against you growing, and really just wants to find him some kill.
If it isn't his, remove the stand, leave a sign saying that hunting on private property which isn't yours, is illegal, and they can be prosecuted worse than you can for cannabis. You can't just hunt anywhere, especially around houses. Innocent individuals get shot and killed every year due to similar circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Chances are he seen the trail and assumed it's a deer path and set up his stand accordingly. Dusk and dawn being prime hunting times as deer venture in or out of the forest to feed in the fields. Edge of a tree line being prime spot.


Well-Known Member
so what do i do! its very odd that the perch is like right on my property where the trail begins..its like he followed it back to my house set up a perch to scare me or something..i feel like its a sign that he knows. if i go back and get them what am i gonna do drag these monster plants through woods back to my house? IF there is a camera now im caught red handed..

im staring out my window waiting for the police im so paranoid its not even funny.

im thinking i go back with a ski mask on and put them in garbage bags and then burn them or something..
If it's YOUR property tear that sonofabitch down and heap it by a road. Search your property and keep anything you find and want. Otherwise live, lose it and learn.

OK it's Fall now. Time to keep searching for next years guerrilla grow. Plant cover nearby is something already dying so it would show the green? Bag that one. Hunters anywhere nearby? Bag that one too.

Look - if it can be reached somebody is going to go near. The harder the location the less visitors. The lazy reap less wild grows than those of us who aren't afraid to put a backpack on that is loaded with the goods and going to plant AWAY from where people flock.
Why don't you just talk with your neighbor, mention that you saw a tree stand on your property and ask if he would happen to know anything about it, or have seen anyone setting up. You can even play the card that you are worried that someone unknown might be hunting on your property, and you don't want to end up as accidental jerky.

If it is his, who knows, he might not be against you growing, and really just wants to find him some kill.
If it isn't his, remove the stand, leave a sign saying that hunting on private property which isn't yours, is illegal, and they can be prosecuted worse than you can for cannabis. You can't just hunt anywhere, especially around houses. Innocent individuals get shot and killed every year due to similar circumstances.
please listen to this post!!!!!!!!! this is just what i was thinking.....if it is his treestand on your property then u are in the right....go talk to the guy and ask him whose stand it is...if its his make conversation about hunting and ask if hes got any of those.....deercam set up..etc..

just be cool..remember anyone could have put those plants there not just u...good the way if someone called the cops in my city about two plants they would get laughed at so fast and then get hung up on.....and pot is not legal here...