Help get bigger plants


New Member
so I want to do my first outdoor grow. At first I was thinking about 3 or 4 plants, but i figured it would be easier to control and maintain just 1 plant.
I still want a good yield though, so i was wondering how people get huge plants, like 6 ft diameter.
Best location, how often to top/fim, what nutrients, when to start growing???
Also I was curious what would happen if you started vegging indoors for a month a little early, then planted outside once there was enough sun and adequate temps?? Would it just be extra veg time and be bigger? or would it completely mess up the plant??
Any tips are most welcome!



Well-Known Member
Vegg inside , dig big hole, put good dirt, put outside with supplemental lighting in May , feed Maxsea. Easy. Now do some homework, it's all here. You will need supports and preventative bug control.


Well-Known Member
Extra veg means bigger plant......2nd the maxsea.....don't forget to lime your dirt as the maxsea is missing Mg.....neem is great for maintenence but wont kill on contact if you get infested...good luck its all here.


Well-Known Member
TWS said it well - its remarkably simple really. I think more and more we will start seeing people pushing it harder in terms of how long to veg for. This year I vegged for 3 months before putting the plants in the ground. Next year, I would consider an even earlier start.

I suspect there could be some unsung weed-heroes out there that have vegged for 1 year or more, they just don't talk about it or show it off.

good luck!


Add a LOT of michorrizae to yourtransplant site ( in the dirt and in contact with the roots of your plant.) The beneficial bacteria (I use extreme gardening brand mykos) will build a very good barrier of protection around your rhizosphere (root mass) and ward off the underground pests while binding to your plant's roots to give them much more surface area to uptake nutes with. More nute uptake = much bigger and stronger plant/growth/production. I started using mykos in my soil about 3 years ago and have never looked back. Adding that one thing to my soil and changing nothing else has netted me a 1/2 to 1oz increase in yield indoors in 5 gal buckets. NO, I do not work for any nute mfg, lol, but I hate all the bullshit magic potion gimmick marketing out there in the gardening biz. When I can put science to the test and verify the benefit by cold hard factual results, I love to pass on the information. Bottom line, add michorizae to your soil (even if the brand you use says it already has it in there!!!) and you have instantly made them more pest and disease resistant while simultaneously giving the roots more mouths to eat nutrients up with. You will be glad you tried this...
google "super soil", fill as big a hole as you can with it.

A 4' diameter by 24" tall raised bed, with inserted 4' tall clone as soon as daytime reaches 14.5 hours long, should yield 1 to 10 pounds per plant depending on strain, watering, location, and weather.


Well-Known Member
If you want want bushy plants with a large diameter, top several times and open them up by training/LST. I grew 4 1/2' to 5' tall plants that were about 6' in diameter. Pretty easy but you will be tieing up and supporting a lot of branches.