Help! Having problems rooting in my 20 site aeroponic (5 days and no roots)


Active Member
I have 20 cuttings in neoprene collars, the resevoir of water is ph 5.6 and at 24 celcius. Spray cycle is 24/7 and light cycle is 20/4. The stems are tatooed and scarred with clonex gel on them, eveything is clean and air stones are in the water providing oxygen. What am I doing wrong? 5 days and no rooting yet... :(


Well-Known Member
how hot is 24c in farenhiet. If it is past 85degress F it is too hot. Are you over watering them? 5.6 ph is a little too acidic. Try aimin at 6.2-6.8. There could be multiple reasons. Maybe when put into soil root gel rubbed off.