help heat issues

trains strain

Well-Known Member
so ive posted many threads on this subject but no one really cares to get back to me so im just gonna keep bugging and bugging until i get some solid advice.
i have an old tv cabinet that ive gutted and divided almost in half, top half 20.5x21x24 and the bottom half is 26x28x24. i havent even started worrying about the bottom just getting the top first. the top half is for veg and bottom half is for flower.
im using 4 42W CFL to start and will be adding more when the time is needed. i have 1 intake fan blowing through a set of duct at the bottom of the cabinet to bring fresh air in. next i have 2 pc fans as exhaust forcing air into a caron filter then outside the top of the cabinet. also i have a small 6" oscillating fan. the whole cabinet is lined with reflectix insulation, its incredibly really bright.

my friggin problem is the heat! gets way too damn hot in there. daytime(lights on) 95 F and night is 75 F. ive grown before a few times and had a lot of sucess so i cant say im a noob but im always learning more thats for sure. if someone knows if cannabis can be grown in high temps let me know if not let me know of a better way to cool mycabinet down it would be much appreciated.


stays relevant.
why not just bump your old threads rather than creating new a bunch of threads that never get answered? duplicate content is bad :(


Active Member
Fans shouldve helped....but at 95 f your plants will still be alright depending on how far from the light source.....marijuana can thrive in many different temps....its all about how much light is what they need.....thats not to say they wont get better with perfect temps though......avrg. Nice temp is around 75-80...just my opinion though....and i dont know much..........sds

trains strain

Well-Known Member
ok well ive been reading all these posts of 85 is still good but 95? and the reason why ive been making new threads is because ill get say 300 views but 2 replies, i understand that my post isnt that amusing haha rather boring than anything but any help is great help. im gonna try a few new things and come back and post again with the results


Well-Known Member
being a gutted out tv cab. i'm guessing it has double doors...if this is the case i have a similar set up only i didn't cut in half & it still got crazy hot with all my lights lol..tryleaving the doors cracked a lil with your 6 inch fan blowing the hot air out.

i now keep my doors open & have hung my lights with reflectors at the front of my cab facing in on the plants...sure sure plenty of light gets out but with them being surrounded the way they are they do just fine.

don't know your situation, but i hope this helps you in coming up with a solution to your heat problem...peace


trains strain

Well-Known Member
tv cab eh i thought of that myself aswell just didnt feel like lugging out a huge old tube tv from the thrift store haha. unfortunatly i cant exctly keep the doors open becuase im trying to keep it stealth i guess you could say. since my last post ive removed my carbon filter, now runing straight 3" pvc for exhaust and its dropped the temp down about 8 degrees, so im running around 87-90. also ive made it air tight to get the passive intake working properly. but i m using a fan for intake because it wasnt working to its fullest potential. now its running, loud, but its cooling off a bit. i will eventually post pics of the setup to give you all more detail on how its actually setup thanks for all the input so far

trains strain

Well-Known Member
so anyways been a long ass time since ive posted on here. finally got my seeds. some northern lights skunk.
just started germinating its been about 16hours and nothing yet.
still having heat issues though. temp doesnt wanna go lower than 90F and i need a good solid 75F. i have 2 pc fans as outtake, one on intake, one small 6" oscillating fan and another small 4" DC car fan wired to dc power supply. my cabinet is small. approx 18" high and 21.5 wide. this is the veg section though. plan to lst to keep the babies small then throw them in the flwr cab with a 1- 105W cfl and 4 42W CFL. heres a pic of just the veg section. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

