help help help me REALLY fast.


Well-Known Member
well i was outside doin yard work today and i decided to take my plant out to enjoy the all natural sunlight. after about 20 minutes gone by i came back to the plant and the top of the plant was gone. but this plant was only about 3 or 4 days old n was very small. but it had the 2 roundish leaves and 2 marijuana lookin weeds. first four leaves that appear. but the whole top of it was gone and a piece of a leave in the pot. maybe a bird got it or sumthin. but its still in the pot and if u look really really close u can see sum green a little bit. the roots are still in soil.

I just want to know if this plant can still grow??? or should i jus pitch it out now???


Well-Known Member
could someone have jacked your plant? lol, stranger things have happened...

but anyways, do you have any pics? Cuz honestly, I can't get an idea of what your plant looks like from your description (note: i am high, it might be all my fault) but because i'm high I'll blame you and demand pics.

help ME help


Well-Known Member
LoL thats some crazy shit. If there is anything left, I would say just put it under a light 18/6 and ask yourself that question in a week.

Weed Guru to be.
Ha Ha


Active Member
lol yeah thats pretty crazy, i dont think it will gow much taller though if the top is missing.
but like Kaos said leave it a week and tink again


Active Member
If not mistaken, I think he means his plant looked like this (see attachment) and the top was bitten off of it. Since it's so young (and delicate) I don't think it will grow back. Plant another.

