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say no 2 soap

Active Member
I grew a few babies lst yr they looked well until,i put em on a 12/12,I did everything suggested but no harvest:evil: I'm gonna try again but as im a virgin grower i,m only gonna grow 1 plant in a wardrobe with a eco-light bloom,125w. Is this light sufficent?? I really need sum gud advice?????????????


Well-Known Member
Yes, you could grow a plant or two with a 125watt envirolite. SO.. what your plan?? SPace, medium etc. Got any pictures, we like pictures. VV

say no 2 soap

Active Member
i think I I had the light too high up,how high would u hang it above em??? they strecthed out alot but I got no decent buds,had em in flower until the buds I did get went orange