Help help !!


Well-Known Member
Thanks DST, could you please tell me is it the type of organic feed that i can pick up from the super market, or is it something with abit more kick to it.
i would suggest going to either a grow shop (if you have them where you live) or a garden centre. something phosporus based for blooming. most products will tell you what they are good for. i suggest a bit of research on n-p-k, most feeds tell you on the bottle what the rating is. you can continue with justwater but the bud won't fatten out.


Well-Known Member
Also dst my plants are only 2 weeks into flowering, could i take a cutting now ??
sure, cut from lower down the plant, also pick up some rooting agent at the garden centre before you do (comes in powder or gel form) put under a light with at least 18 hours of light.


You have been so much help, thankx, i was thinking they were looking abit skinny. I have been looking and is it right im looking for some botanicare with numbers 30-10-10. And to be honest up to now i have been feeding my plant on fizzy water, lol bet that sounds strange to an experienced grower lol.


Well-Known Member
You have been so much help, thankx, i was thinking they were looking abit skinny. I have been looking and is it right im looking for some botanicare with numbers 30-10-10. And to be honest up to now i have been feeding my plant on fizzy water, lol bet that sounds strange to an experienced grower lol.
i am using 5-2-4, and a super bloomer which is P-K rate 13-14. whatever you give will help, but use half of the prescribed dosage, then increase slowly for the next 4 weeks, then WATER ONLY (look into "flushing" b4 harvesting)