help! i need your opinion


Active Member
i am currently growing in my buddies appartment in a closet, growing under a 400w hps and 3 42 cfls. everything is going good, my only problem is the temps are geting way to high. i have 2 ocsilating fans runing. seeing how it is an appartment, i cant cut any holes in the walls or door for an exhaust. i live in northern cali where temps range from 90-105f outside in the summer.

what i was think of doing was geting a window a/c and putting it in the window of the room that the closet is in. or could i put the window a/c straight in the closet and leave the door open a crack?

please gimme your opinion on how to fix my problem. thanks :peace:


Just some idiot the room giant? If you put it in the window the closet will get cold. Laying on the floor in the closet won't work. Don't you think your buddy would enjoy AC in the room? If it doesn't cool the closet enough, take the door knob off and get a little fan to blow the air in the closet. Or just tell your friend to blow in the door knob hole for you. Seriously how big is this closet? You might want to at least vent that light if the closet isn't very big, or think about different lighting options if the window AC doesn't work. I would think as long as the room is small enough you can vent the cool air over to the closet with fans. Although you are going to up the electricity bill.


Well-Known Member
yeah I have a window air unit in my grow room. I would say just place it in the window and move the cold air with fans like gygax said. Usually those air units can cool an entire room. And I too live in northern Cali, yesterday it was 109 here!!!!!!!

good luck!


Active Member
i dont know exactly how big the closet is but an estiment would be 9 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 8 feet tall.

i took another look at it and there is an air conditioner vent in the room right by the closet. it is the a/c that runs throughout the whole apartment. would it lower my temp any significant ammount if i ran an air ducting tube from the vent to the closet, so all the cool air would go to the closet instead of the room. or is it just not enough? what do u think?


Well-Known Member
you need to vent the room. can you take off the door and put plastic over it with venting? i like the removal of the door knob idea also. somehow you need to exchange the air in the closet.


Just some idiot
Another thing you could do is go buy a cheap door from home depot, swith out the current door and then you can go to town on the new cheap door. Landlord is happy, you guys are happy, plants are happy. Or can you run the venting to the door knob, you have to figue out some exhaust too. I don't know how handy you are but you could build a temp ceiling in the closet and run the exhaust there or get some panda plastic and seal it real well then run the exhaust through there. If you left like an 8 inch void between the old ceiling and the new temporary ceiling that should work.