Help identifying what's eating my plant please


New Member
Hello everyone, I'll start with introducing my plant, it's Autofem Tutankhamon, 53 days old right now. she's in her flowering stage. I have this on rooftop with regular organic soil. For couple of days I've noticed white dots on my plant and eaten leaves. Today I found this insect on her and I have no idea what it is. Can you please help me identifying and also telling me solution how to get rid of these problems? Thank you very much in advance!unnamed.jpgunnamed (5).jpgunnamed (3).jpgunnamed (2).jpgunnamed (1).jpg


Well-Known Member
what are the temps and humidity where you are? That last picture looks like a spot of powdery mildew. Amputate that one spike on the leaf and anywhere else you see it.

Bugs will fuck up you outdoors big time. For my outdoor I treat weekly with neem oil, spinosad, and/or BT all the way until the first buds start to show. I also root drench with neem and apply diatomaceous earth to the soil surface. Once buds start showing, I stop applying any spray on the plants.

Good luck! Peace:peace:



Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I'll start with introducing my plant, it's Autofem Tutankhamon, 53 days old right now. she's in her flowering stage. I have this on rooftop with regular organic soil. For couple of days I've noticed white dots on my plant and eaten leaves. Today I found this insect on her and I have no idea what it is. Can you please help me identifying and also telling me solution how to get rid of these problems? Thank you very much in advance!View attachment 4923961View attachment 4923962View attachment 4923963View attachment 4923964View attachment 4923965
That bug looks like a type of weevil.

look into weevil species in your area and see if any match up.