HELP! im moving and dont know what to do!


Well-Known Member
ok first of all, no im not gonna mail you my plants / set up / herb / etc.

but yea im going from one apartment, to another. and i got a ton of plants going, ranging from 6inches (clones) to 4 footers (in flower)

how do i move them? safely, and securely? im only going 10 min down the road.

im thinking the 20+ clones, i can throw into bit tupperware/rubbermaid contains and no worries there.
but the big plants? they wont fit into a tupperware container. no way

im thinking 1 or 2 i can stick in my fridge, tape that bad boy shut with duct tape (so the door doesnt open... duh) and move those

but what about all the 1 to 3 footers? should i clone the fuck outa them and move the clones? iono. any ideas guys?

the lights, pots, fans, ducting, dirt, etc wont be an issue, i kept all the boxes for those.


Well-Known Member
You grow that much weed in an apartment? lol :(
hahahaha yea dude i bought this metal, industrial-type, ugly ass shelving unit, probably 2ft(d)x4ft(w)x8ft(h), and the bottom half is all clones (20ish, fits about 40), top half is veg area, fits about 8 12inch pots (they sit there from about 9inch clones to about 3 feet (then i either clone them or stick them in the flowering area), and the flowering area is my closet, probably 3ft(d)x5ft(w)x6ft(h), and i stick 3 in there at a time to flower, and they get to about 4-5 feet tall.

do it this way so i always have 1 within a month of harvest, and 1 budding, and 1 that just entered flowering, i have 6-8 growing, providing clones, and getting bushy enough to flower, and i have a constant supply of known female clones to move.

i stay high.


now im moving to a much bigger apartment, a 2bedroom, 2 bath, where the 2nd bedroom will be the veg room, and the 2nd bath (in the 2nd bedroom) will be the flowering room. and it has a bigger kitchen, a balcony, etc etc.


Well-Known Member
How could I smile while thinking of a kid with four foot pot plants in an apartment complex? :(
haha im 28! been growing since i was 18 or so. its a highrise tower, and i use odor control methods, and i dont talk about this with anyone other than rollitup. its me, my gf, and my babies!


Well-Known Member
personally I would just finish up what plants I have going and start again when im all moved in and set up. Growing is risky enough, but getting caught driving actual plants around, and that many plants, isn't going to be a fun mess to get out of. You could move em with no problems and get them in your new set up, or someone stops unexpectedly while your looking at your ipod to change songs and you rear end them, they get the police to get a police report, they see the plants and you go away for 15+ years... just to risky for me.


Well-Known Member
I shouldnt mock you, there's really no reason other than the fun thought of it. You gotta admit, it does sound a bit crazy. :) Home Depot sells big boxes, U-Hauls do too but for thrice the price........... I moved 300 miles with about two dozen plants or so in them with Hydroton and buckets, they did well, and only had a day or two of looking "down" before they looked normal again.


Well-Known Member
yea im thinking boxes for the smaller ones, clone everything, make them as small as possible. finish the flowering ones (even if i have to harvest early, and take a decreased yield).

moving big plants really worries me. besides the fact they are big, they stink, and they weigh a ton with all the dirt. besides even if i got a box to put a plant in, the plants grow vertical, so id stick them in a box and have to carry the box on its side and i think people would look at me funny, not really what i want for a first impression. and carry the box normally means id have to lay them on their side... which i dont know if thats a good idea. seems messy!

those big rubber containers seem perfect for clones, thinking maybe 6 in deep pots, with maybe 2-6 inches of plant coming out the top, and i can fit a good amount in them. it will be interesting to see how many of these 'more-managable' sized plants ill have after chopping up 8 2-4 ft plants, gotta imagine anywhere from 5 to 20 clones from each one if i go all out. we are talking about (20 clones now + say 10from each big plant x 8 plants?) 100 clones total in the move! oh jesus, just typing that gets gives me the a sense of being completely and totally outta my fucking mind.

think i shouldnt water the last couple of days before the move? to make them lighter? and possibly cleaner moving?


Active Member
I received mine from a cargiver that I dropped they were about 3 ft and ready to flower. I put them in the back of my truck..i have a cap. drove them to there new home in 15 mins. it was about 30f outside 2 weeks later there looking great.


Active Member
Aslo they were transplanted the day before so they were really stressed im sure but they showed no sighs of it after all they went through.


Active Member
Will the the 1-3 footers fit into a large garbage can? Might need helf moving them though.


Well-Known Member
nah my move is like 1 mile down the road. its literally 5-10 min drive. im not worried about getting in an accident, or pulled over or anything of the sort. (let me explain-> i NEVER get in a car with drugs without checking headlights, turn signals, etc, and i would never go 5mph over the speed limit. i wear my seatbelt. i dont drink and drive, i use turn signals, etc... Drugs in the car = drive like you did during your driving test, hands at 10 + 2 o'clock dude! i got pulled over once at a alcohol checkpoint with 3 pounds of herb in the trunk, and everything was ok, i didnt freak out and start panicking. when your "driving dirty", you drive smart.) my buddy got pulled over with 15 pounds cuz he was speeding! fucking moron.


im worried about the 30 seconds from my front door, to the elevator, down to the bottom level and out the front door of the building. we have a doorman or security guard posted there all day depending the time of day. the other building does too, so also the 30 seconds from the car -> front door -> elevator -> apt door.

maybe im making a bunch of fuss about this, but who wraps up a plant in a plastic bag, thats not pot? i think cloning them all is gonna be the way to go.

@svsuv - yea im thnking a large garbage can i can stick 1 maybe 2 in there. but am i gonna move with 4 garbage cans? haha this is gonna be awkward.

am i just paranoid? and i thought paranoid was #1 on the best thing to be when it came to security and safety?


Active Member
It's good you are being paranoid. Like a wise man once told me "jail Sucks". I would stick them all in a garbage. Rape that shit in duct tap. Put those wrapped in garbage bags, inside boxes. Than duct tape again!!! Febreeze the shit out of the box. Than febreeze again. You could walk into a police station with that method.

I love how big you are going in an apartment I think it's awesome. I'm growing in an apartment and the space blows. You seem to make it work :)


Well-Known Member
am i just paranoid? and i thought paranoid was #1 on the best thing to be when it came to security and safety?
If your paranoid about moving a few clones and plants in a box across one mile of town, yet you grow in an apartment. I mean, really? Its so easy to make fun of this situation.

Move the plants, doesnt matter how, one mile you cant really do too much to kill them unless your friends fat ass sits on them.


Active Member
Wrap news paper around the body to draw the leaves in. Newspaper are sturdy but dont wrap it tight give your plants a little room while still having all the leaves and branches pressed together and tap that up with some scotch tape all the way up to the top. Round wrappings first layer on the bottom, starting from the soil. after it is covered to the top in layers. duct tape black plastic bags on it. Yeah in the day it will look like a plant but hell they cant identify it, i hope you got your marijuana card. Make sure thats the last thing you move so that you go directly from point A to point B and if a girl looks at you, you would have to remember you are on a mission. Tom Cruz the mission impossible guy would probably do this at night.


Active Member
I moved from one house to another and had to tear down my grow room and set it back up. When I moved the plants, I gently put them into the back of my SUV and drove them over during their "light on" cycle. During the 12 hour on cycle I got them all moved and my lights running. This was all at night time. The funny thing was when I was driving them to the new location at night through the city, I could see them clear as day from the headlights of the cars behind me. I just laughed... I'm legal in my state. I never thought that I would see that day.