Help in finding a large quantity stash spot...


Well-Known Member
if someone were to need to store a large quantity of weed for a month or so... what would be the best spot to do so? i've been trying for about a week to come up with the perfect spot, but all my ideas aren't secure enough. i need a bulletproof hiding spot.... any help?


Well-Known Member
bulletproof?put it in a flak man, ive left it in the barn,in a box in the attic,JARit and put it somewhere man,its not that hard.put it with the porn.


Well-Known Member
storage unit is too much $$.... water tight barrel buried is very hard to excess frequently. it's got to be a great spot that would go undetectable to anyone yet leave me fast, easy access to the stash.... hmmmmmm thanx for your input though....


Well-Known Member
you say its a large amount so sell an oz and go pay for like 6 months storage fees.

Collisto's Orbit

Well-Known Member
You need two stashes. One for long term, and one for easy/frequent access.

My hiding spots are usually closets behind something that doesn't get used anymore. Try cutting a hole in the drywall that can't be seen by just opening the closet. Under the bed is good if you can find a compartment or little cubby that can't be seen just by looking under it. How about inside the box spring of your bed. Inside a speaker box. Behind an electronic component in your entertainment center.

Air tight jars in the water compartment of the toilet? << don't know if that's good<<
My easy frequent use is my couch cushion flip it upside down and remove foam cube inside cube is weed in sealed bag viola and long term bury a few rubbermaid totes XD (I dunno about long term idea :P )


Well-Known Member
cool- i like some of the ideas. i will seperate the stash and use one on a regular basis until it runs out, then move the long term storage stash into a more easily usable space. thanks to all for the input... much appreciated !