Help! Leaves turning yellow and dying! PICS


Active Member
Hey all,

Im not really too concerned, as my plants are looking very healthy, but i would like to try and solve the problem.

Some of the lower leaves on a couple of my plants are turning yellow towards the edges and eventually the ends of the leaves are dying.

Below are some pics.

i have tried, using info i found on RIU to diagnose the problem myself but had no luck :-(

Help appreciated.

P.S - i chucked in a couple of pics of my healthy girl, as you can see....she is looking mighty fine :bigjoint: (i have 4 girls in total)



Active Member
It's normal for some of the fan leaves to die off as the plant gets older. Might be because the plant's giving it's energy to the buds. The rest of the plants look pretty healthy.


Active Member
As already said well by oldhippie, it is very natural you can pick them off if there about 50-60% dead...your plants look beautiful and keep posting through the grow id like to see the progress....take it easy.