HELP. Little white long bugs

I have a crop of ten. Just now seeing lots of little tiny tiny white bugs. I'm half way threw flower what should I do? Its on every plant? Indoor.
Sorry no pics. But mainly on the top of the leaf. Some on the bottom. They are leaving little tiny black dots. On the top of the leaves. They almost look like little catipliers.. But then there are some that move fast. Will this hurt my yield in any way. And how can I take care of this. No webbing on the fruit. I checked pretty good. The fruit looks great. Just the leaves


Well-Known Member
Are they doing any damage to anything or just crawling around? Some pests aren't predators and as long as they do no damage and don't get into the nugs, it should


Well-Known Member
lol! getting late, that's on you to contact him, but it definitely needs to be attended asap. Don't wait another day for sure cause you need those leaves and you can afford to get them in the nugs cause they will all be junk, unless you wanna smoke bugs lol. I hope you can get that fixed cause that sounds like a bad issue bro.


Well-Known Member
So the hypo guy gave me all organic azamax. They were thirps

Figured they were thrips.

Pretty easy to take care of. Spray the leaves (underside too) thoroughly with azamax. Repeat every few days. Also spray the surface of the soil as they like to hang out there as well.

I had them once and was able to eradicate them within a couple weeks. Pretty easy pest to knock down imo.


Well-Known Member
Another trick is to grind up the top couple inches of soil in your hands before you water to kill them bastards. I had thripes many years ago and they came in on my clothes. I sat for hours and killed every single one i could find and ground up soil and they were dead.


Well-Known Member
mighty wash is a crock of shit.....

Beyond that i dont have much for you, but DONT waste your money on mighty wash.