Help me complete....err CO2 system!


Well-Known Member
Not finding what I seek through search. Here's what I have so far:

- 20lb steel CO2 cylinder
- JBJ dual gauge regulator (tank pressure & output pressure gauges)
- 1/4" ID distribution line (water misting line from Home Depot w/10 nozzles)

I had been using this system to introduce CO2 into a planted fish aquarium, and then as part of a portable water misting system, but I now want to convert it for use in my grow closet. What do I need to buy to complete this system? I'm a total rookie at this in terms of growing weed, but I'm assuming I need a solenoid valve, a flow meter that is far more precise than the output pressure gauge on the JBJ regulator, and a CO2 controller? Am I close?

I'm guessing the solenoid valve would connect where I currently have the 1/4" barbed fitting installed. Then a flow meter after that? Or does the flow meter go before the solenoid?

What 'size' flow meter do I need...I'm seeing .1-1 CFH, .5-4.5 CFH, and 1.5-11 CFH flow meters online and they aren't cheap so I don't want to buy the wrong one. My total grow area is about 144 cubic feet, or 9x2x8.

I thank you profusely in advance for your help :)



Well-Known Member
you can use the regulator you have there, it depends on you and how you keep control. i use a welding argon regulator i turn it on every once in awhile. but i'd still like an auto one; ya know?


Well-Known Member