Help Me Fuck With This Cop


Well-Known Member
yeah i liked that shit too. (if you are clean (i hear you get thrown out of college if not)then hey, you were just doing your civic duty by calling the cops on the "dealer", might get his "loving" attention though)

also if he´s not a cop, then thats not very nice, so yeah, like and not like. so better be sure. also i would not do it lol

but revenge is a bit slippery street.

10% of cops are pretty decent and actually i got that 90% asshole line from an excop (sergeant or something, 25 years on the job) but fucking with cops, its like fucking with someone guarddogs. (watchdogs, watchpigs? lol)

they dont set the rules and the only reason semi intelligent bullies are hired as cops is because the people that hire them, want that kinda people in that job.

anyways getting mad at people is a waste of time, so many idiots in the world, you might as well be angry all the time or not at all.


Well-Known Member
yeah i liked that shit too. (if you are clean (i hear you get thrown out of college if not)then hey, you were just doing your civic duty by calling the cops on the "dealer", might get his "loving" attention though)

also if he´s not a cop, then thats not very nice, so yeah, like and not like. so better be sure. also i would not do it lol

but revenge is a bit slippery street.

10% of cops are pretty decent and actually i got that 90% asshole line from an excop (sergeant or something, 25 years on the job) but fucking with cops, its like fucking with someone guarddogs. (watchdogs, watchpigs? lol)

they dont set the rules and the only reason semi intelligent bullies are hired as cops is because the people that hire them, want that kinda people in that job.

anyways getting mad at people is a waste of time, so many idiots in the world, you might as well be angry all the time or not at all.
You have law enforcement in your family dont You?

Look at it this way: The corrupt government makes the bullshit rules (the laws) . Without the foot soldiers (the cops), their bullshit rules and laws would mean nothing and have no power.

So there is NO SUCH THING as "They are just doing their job". They are the enforcers.


Well-Known Member
By the way Straight Sativa (O.P.). If this guy isnt really a cop, You are going to have some Fucked Up Karma. and rightfully so. We took your word that this guy is a UC.


Well-Known Member
and the Other 10%?

You almost sound like you are on the side of law enforcement. "(tards that like to fuck with you, fucktards)"

Why would he scurry away? Because his cover is blown. You know what they say, about anything done in the dark being brought into the light.
Sorry SSO, I shouldnt have accused you of being a cop!


Well-Known Member
Police can bust you for selling to them but they can't advertise and then sell to you - that is entrapment. I'm going to have to call bullshit on this.

If it is a cop go buy from him and then get him fired for selling pot. Really, police cannot temp you into doing something illegal in order to arrest you. Very illegal on their behalf.
oh you are wrong there buddy. a cop cannot FORCE you to do something illegal. he can offer you something illegal and if you offer to buy it b/c you want to, then your in shit.

how do you think the FBI catches any of these 'terrorists'?? every single time it's u/c FBI agents selling the 'bomb' material to the 'terrorist'.

hell in one of the 'attacks' a guy was given a phone, that's it. he was told if he calls a number it blows a 'bomb' up. the guy diales the number and was arrested for terrorism. there was never any bomb......

that gives you an 'F' in the "What's entrapment?" test.


Well-Known Member
oh no worries chillwills, took no offence.
got no cops in the family, some lawyers lol, met and talked with a few cops though ;)

well, they are the enforcers, of a law approved by most. so you might as well get angry at people.
but its just a waste of time getting angry at cops, doesnt change anything.

besides, bullies and assholes have pretty lousy lives. no true friends or love, pretty much a die alone deal and people talking bad about you at your funeral and relieved you are dead.

oh, i hear entrapment is "legal" now in america, though that excop that made those videos said that cops cant smoke dope, even undercover cops.
dont remember exactly though (got plenty stuff enough to remember here)

its best though to just take care of your shit and forget people like that.
enjoy life,fuck the rest.
you gonna meet enough assholes in your life, without actually willfully wasting any more time with them than you need.

Big P

Well-Known Member
heres a scenario that could be possible.

what if the original poster is actually the cop/informant. He gives this story and posts the number on a weed growing website. Now he has a bunch of growers calling this number, he cross checks the names and addresses listed connected to those phone numbers and now hes got about 1000 grow op leads from around the country to try to watch for patterns and bust

I must say if i was a cop, I would think of somthing like this to get a bunch of busts and advance my career.

but I doubt this is whats going on here, but either way i wouldnt call the number,


Well-Known Member
lol big p, a devious twist and the plot thickens ... (cue spooky music)

but, yeah, id leave that no. alone and same for the dude, just warn your friends of the possibility.

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya that would be a crazy twist,

I think most probably what that other guys said, its the phone number of a real dealer, and our origianal poster is just overly paranoid, and now this dealers phone number has been posted on a national website. I bet real cops are ringin'em off the hook by now:D

hhmmmm maybe we should just keep this number incase one of us gets busted for growing. Then be like I know a guy who is a bigger fish :D


But this is one of the main reasons that you as a grower should never befriend another grower who actually knows your identity, because when push comes to shove, he may sell you down the river if he gets caught growing, to save his own ass.


Well-Known Member
depends, here its just a fine for a small grow, so if your friend is a just a small grower too, you just pissed down a easy way of getting started again. (clones and whatnot)
course if we are talking a hefty jailtime, i wouldnt risk it. unless ya knew them real well perhaps.


Well-Known Member
my neighbor grows too, got some clones from him and he got some seeds from me, he warned me about an accidental lightleak and i him on a "smellissue"
lol, so it can be handy.
there used to be another grow in the basement, neither of us found out though who that was, you could see the hpslight if you bent to look in the window, (on your knees admittedly) attracted by the slight fannoise.

saw cops go right by that window 1 time and knew of at least 2 other times (noisy partyneighbor on the topfloor (then, he calmed down)) they never saw anything.
i think the grower moved or just covered that light and noise leak real well. leaning towards moved though lol.

none of my business really, the other neighbor and i just got talking one day and i discovered he was a smoker and all researching mj growing, so i got him started and gave him 2 old 150w hps lamps (he added a ton of fluo too lol grows pretty good too, greener thumbs than i lol, his mom is a gardener too, interested in thc for curing scoriasis (sic?))

his cousin grows too and some of his friends in the capital. just about everyone it seems is growing nowadays is what i hear,course price around here was ridiculous and still is, despite having gone down 50% (everyone growing)

funny, 4-5 years back,when i started growing, only a few people selling were growing (around here)and i talked to a few people about growing and wrote an howto on a freetheweed forum here, then forgot about it (Very busy lol) then when talked to people around here again (very busy :D) i found out that many people had started growing(talked to a few people more) forgot about it again and now a year later i hear from a guy that "everyone" is growing now (and he was thinking about starting up (said when he got the new house he was moving into lol)

which is excellent, because things are dead in the water politically and not even looking of a chance to stir that up. i was despairing really.fuck the government anyways and go underground.
cant see a single damn useful thing about the damn government anyways that couldnt be managed without it.

dont see the point of not growing if you are a smoker anyway, frankly ridiculous paying all that money for miniscule amounts of something that grows so free and easy.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Ya i have way too many people that know I grow. Im fittin to do a little information warfare stint and play like I had to stop growing to all the people that know about it.

lol one time I caught my drunk Ex-wife (she was my wife at the time) showing her dumbass friend my fucking grow op. i almost beheaded the both of them :D


Well-Known Member
Could be either I guess, but the university po at my school are state troopers so all the more reason to get at them
honestly? I would just leave it alone man.. you didn't get yourself into any trouble. If dudes really a statey.. then he's got some power. I would watch out if I were you.. even though I hate popo just as much if not more than you do, I would just leave it alone.. because they (they popo) can make your life a living hell if they wanted to.. I mean, I'm just saying you know? Just be careful as to what you do..



Well-Known Member
honestly? I would just leave it alone man.. you didn't get yourself into any trouble. If dudes really a statey.. then he's got some power. I would watch out if I were you.. even though I hate popo just as much if not more than you do, I would just leave it alone.. because they (they popo) can make your life a living hell if they wanted to.. I mean, I'm just saying you know? Just be careful as to what you do..

So how did framing your neighbor with a bag of coke and snitching on him work out?


Active Member
wanna fuck with him? get a big bag of parsly plastic wrap it so it sorta looks like a brick of green meet him fuck with his head a bit then try and take off leave him catch you lol hed be made laughing stock of the cop shop when they test your 'dope' hahaha


Active Member
used to make cops chase me all the time they cant do fuck all if they catch you and you didnt do any illegal.....