help me out is a 4 inch pot big enuff>?


Active Member
yes,, but two weeks veg time in a six inch is better...then flower ... works awesome for a bunch of plants i think 80 will fit in a 4x4


ok more info... a cutting say like 4 inches tall or maybe 5 . its strong from a good mother mature and readdy roots in 1 week. then into promix and a 4 inch sq. pot?this will take it all the way? its veg time was done growing roots,.. hehe. last one was vegd for 2 weeks and about 6 inches tall then 1 week into flower it sprang up to 20 inch tall.. i am trying to keep hem squaty for light penetratin i have a 150 hps. thanks~!


will a 4 inch be big enuff for a clone to grow flowers?its in a ebb and flow system. btw so i am looking at a 2 month home. your prolly right its prolly pretty small


oh i am using promix in an ebb and flow system. yeah its considered soil less or hydroponics. the 4 inch sq. pots actually measure about 3.5 inches by 3.5 inches and i am not sure how much room they have a small hand full i imagine? will this carry through all the way till the end? or will transplanting to a bigger pot be nessesary half way through?>