Help me pick stealth hydro system!?


Active Member
I have decided to switch to a bubbleponics system. Not sure which way to go, so I want advice from people that have these. I am unsure of what system to buy. The DWC makes a big one plant system, then a bigger unit the houses 4 plants, and finally one that house 6! I only plan on having 2-4 plants or so. I have heard it is better to use the 6 pot system and not grow all the plants, but rather 2-4 and tape the other pots with duct tape? I guess this gives the plants more room to grow root wise? I am unsure as to what the difference is in the DWC system and the bubbleponics besides a smaller airstone in the DWC. I am also a little ignorant about hydro growing. From what I understand, to have a nice plant in soil you have to start out in smaller cups, however you must transplant to a 3 to 5 Gallon pot if your plants are to mature and not be root bound. Well I dont understand how the bubbleponics plants can mature if they are confined to those smaller pots for thier entire life cycle!? I have seen pictures of the root mass when establised on these systems, and they are massive! Also what if you get some male plants in a 6 pot system? Would you just chop the males from the tops and leave the root system mixed in with your females? Sorry if some of these questions are dumb.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
The only dumb question is the one that's not asked so don't feel bad. It's much better to do your research now than to have no clue what you're doing when you actually start. First of all, bubbleponics is really just an upgraded DWC system. With the bubbleponics system you also have a water pump and a 6 way manifold and 1/4 inch tubing running to each pot. This way, the nutrient mix is delivered to the center of the root mass. This system really makes a difference in the first couple weeks, but after that most growers just remove the water pump and tubing. As for male plants, you will have to remove all of the roots as well. When you find a male plant in a bubbleponics system you can cut some of the roots that it's tangled with as well, and you won't harm those plants at all. If you don't get every piece of root, it's not a big deal, just pull them out as the die and separate from the live roots. I'm currently on week 2 of my first bubbleponics grow so come check it out. Let me know if you have more questions. Good luck!


New Member
deff build ur own rosemans tutorial on how to do it all....i built mine for very cheap and its working great....deff go bubble man


Well-Known Member
deff build ur own rosemans tutorial on how to do it all....i built mine for very cheap and its working great....deff go bubble man
For sure build your own. For the $80 you pay for one, you could build 3 or 4 easy. No joke, it's way too simple to build yourself, and you don't have to worry about waiting for it in the mail. :leaf: