Help me please I can't figure out what's wrong


Well-Known Member
If you go through threads about the transition from veg to flower you will hear the same thing over and over. Veg nutes should still be given during the stretch and slowly transition from veg nutes to bloom nutes during the 1st 3 weeks of flower.
Now look at your chart. Does it transition slowly or does it switch instantly.
I'd ditch the chart.

24 hours of light. An auto. Probably pushing it to hard.

Possibly to much bloom fertilizer to early which can cause yellowing of the upper newer growth.
Many new growers see the yellowing and think the plant is deficient and that it needs more when it actually needs less.

How can it be a calcium or Magnesium deficiency when you are feeding cal/mag according to the chart?

Did you know that ffof is a water only soil for the 1st 4 or 5 weeks?
Did you know that feeding a seedling or a small plant in ffof any nitrogen in the 1st 4 weeks is likely to cause more problems than help?

Everybody starts somewhere and there is nothing wrong trying the chart and learning.
Do enough reading and you will see most growers ditch the chart.
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
24/0 not the ticket for autos imo

18/6 is far superior , they still like a bit of dark , great thing is they dont have to be totally in the dark.

Just did an auto daiquiri lime and gigabud grow , they are SUPER light feeders even half of what id usually give photos towards the middle till end was giving them nute burn.....not too much but enough for me to notice it and back off heavily. really gotta start low low with the autos and go up realllllllly slowly.


Well-Known Member
I am still giving it grow nutes
24/0 not the ticket for autos imo

18/6 is far superior , they still like a bit of dark , great thing is they dont have to be totally in the dark.

Just did an auto daiquiri lime and gigabud grow , they are SUPER light feeders even half of what id usually give photos towards the middle till end was giving them nute burn.....not too much but enough for me to notice it and back off heavily. really gotta start low low with the autos and go up realllllllly slowly.
I'm still giving it grow nutes and I will try dropping it down 18/6


Well-Known Member
Little better?

Watch your ec, i think you're still giving it a bit too much love, or you've got hot lights a bit close to your tops.

Once the stretch starts slowing down is usually a good time.

If you're seeing improvement, i'd maybe leave it another week or so and assess things then.

Looks better to me, GL :peace:


Well-Known Member
I give up on this plant it's giving me a headache thanks for all the advice but I don't think she gonna recover because o can't figure this shit out20190727_054304.jpg 20190727_054306.jpg 20190727_054302.jpg 20190727_054256.jpg


Well-Known Member
that is not a 1000w light .. thats like 150 actual draw. And with led lights you need to keep up a high ca/mg ratio .. they eat it like crazy under led.
I'm just going by what the light says I'm not a professional by far. So you're saying more Cal mag


Well-Known Member
I don't see a biothrive grow bottle?

With what you have in the pics, my primary feed would be based on cal mag + bio marine or cal mag + bio bud depending on how much P is needed. Right now i feel your hitting it with odd ratios causing a slight lockout of other nutes.

Post up your ratios in ml to gallon if possible, how much of each bottle do you take to a gallon?


Well-Known Member
5ml of bloom 2.5 ml of cal mag and 2.5 of the bio bud and 5 ml of biomarine in a half gallon jug


Well-Known Member
20190727_171049.jpg My outdoor plant isn't having any issues whatsoever in the transition phase this inside thing is hard20190727_171045.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Are you using tap water? If so, are you letting the chlorine evaporate before you use it to water your plant?
That is a good call asking about the tap water.
It is important to know the ppms of the tap water and to also know how much calcium is in the tap water when resolving these problems. If there is a lot of calcium in tap water and cal mag is being used regularly problems can arise.

This isn't cannabis but I prefer edu links. Notice the affects of to much Ca.
I guess this needs to be copied and pasted to read it. It's not acting like a link when I hover over it.

A nice cannabis post on excess calcium.
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Well-Known Member
That is a good call asking about the tap water.
It is important to know the ppms of the tap water and to also know how much calcium is in the tap water when resolving these problems. If there is a lot of calcium in tap water and cal mag is being used regularly problems can arise.

This isn't cannabis but I prefer edu links. Notice the affects of to much Ca.
I guess this needs to be copied and pasted to read it. It's not acting like a link when I hover over it.

A nice cannabis post on excess calcium.
I read it and I think that helps a lot I think I need to cut back on the cal mag


Well-Known Member
5ml of bloom 2.5 ml of cal mag and 2.5 of the bio bud and 5 ml of biomarine in a half gallon jug
I wouldn't use bio thrive along with bio marine, too much P for indoor autos imo. I'd go 5ml bio bloom with 2.5ml ca/mg and watch for signs of slowing damage or recovery. You can look up your city's tap water report or measure with a meter as kushash said. You might want a bottle of bio grow or a fresh up pot of ffof a week before flip to help autos stay green during & after transition.