Help me please


Well-Known Member
Seems to be an issue with potassium lacking. Need alot more info to know if it's missing or locked out.


Well-Known Member
Grow info is important to help figure things out. Blitz wants to help .
“ medium “

But from the pics alone .....

Way too much nitro .... shiny dark leaves AND PK issues .

Which bloom booster are you using.


Well-Known Member
What info do you need. Growing organic. Using a bloom booster. Stopped all nutes for a few days and watered just water
I don't have experience with using strictly organic nutes, so im not sure how to change your doses, i can only say what the leaves are showing...and it shows potassium is not getting through, or not enough anyways, seems to have slightly too much nitrogen, and you may also be lacking phosphorus a touch.
Info needed would be...when and how much do you water? How much, and what, are you feeding when you do feed? Your source of water? Lights/temps/humidity? What medium are you using? When did this first appear? Do you have a pic of the plant from say 10 days ago?


Well-Known Member
Imho stopping nutes was probably a good idea for now.

Were the same symptoms as the pics showing before, or after booster?
Did it start progressing faster after using it?

Besides the leaf edges, everything is really dark green, i think you've been a little generous somewhere for sure.

What's your nutrient's NPK? Booster as well. Plus recommended dose and what dosage you're using yourself.


Well-Known Member
What info do you need. Growing organic. Using a bloom booster. Stopped all nutes for a few days and watered just water
why thats dumb. plant is showing a deficiency and you want to make it more deficient i guess. Unless you have this bitchin microbe population in a nice soil medium , which i doubt.

You aint going to grow this magical perfect plant start to finish so give that up right now.

So as you might know they use more p and k in flower that is what your problem is you are deficient in p and k. And out of those two they want more k and that is what you are seeing.

So my advise for this grow is to add microbes as you should of been doing anyways, up the p and k by 200 ppms add some mag about 200 ppms for a few feedings / a week or two, your not far from the flush. point being dont do much and this grow is more about learning. maybe up the p and k earlier next time

Yup you look heavy on the nitrogen. you shouldnt at this stage so figure it out. maybe change nutes next time. For the past couple of weeks you really wanted to be feeding just about 0 nitrogen which isnt really possible or as low as you can get it. So stop adding nitrogen boost to it.

Maybe your over watering them and you have root issues right now only you know . if not when the grow is done look at your root ball is it a nice root ball or all scraggly and weak. up your kelp next time to build a better root system.

Plants kind of look normal I wouldnt be freaking out about anything. Just less nitrogen and up the p and k earlier next time.

Grow a strong veg plant and the flower plant will give you less problems.