help me save my!!!


Well-Known Member
ok...i have 2 ''g-13'' clones,about 3 1/2 weeks into bud,and up intill about 7 days ago look perfectly healthy,long white pistils flying out of the buds,and the smell ....''danky''.....
Now...all my new leafs are forming grey spots,the whole leaf is turning yellow,and dieng:-(....and now the little leafs in the buds are starting to turn yellow,all my pistils are turning dark brown and shrivalling,,(sorry about the spelling) advice is appreciated,,,,,sorry no pics,no camera...:wall:


Ok the gray spots are white powder mold it pops up alot depending on your humidity %. If you are not watching your humidity go get a humidity slash temp gauge, the last one I bought cost me 4 bucks. In flowering you want to keep your humidity between 40 and 50%. to cure the mold you got I use "SaferGro Mildew Cure" active ingredients are cotton seed oil 30% corn oil 30% Garlic oil 23% this shit works magic. Work on the mold first the yellowing may stop if not then you may have spider mites as well.


Well-Known Member
wow...thanks for the quick response man....ok it being'' mold'' explains why both plants have the fuckin if i can get the ''safergro mildew cure'' do you think my plants will have a chance,im probably not going to beable to get it for another 3 or 4 for spider mites,i dont see any webing anywhere,,


Spider mite are not really spiders they are just called that cause they look like spiders. They hang out under neath the leaves. If you look at the top of the leaf with light shining through from the bottom you might see where they have been chewing on the bottom of your leaves they will look like little area where more light is visible through the leaf. If you do have them then neem oil is organic and it will get rid of them. Other reasons for leaf yellowing alot of times is because your ph is off. Go buy a ph kit they are like 9 bucks and will last your for many many grow cycles. Test the water you are giving them after you add all of your nutes to make sure it is 6.0 to 6.5. Dont worry about 4 or 5 days for the mold it wont be that bad, one or two applications of the mold cure I told you about maybe three at the most and all your mold should be gone give it atleast two days in between applications. The other small tool you should get is a humidity and temp gauge. They are like 5 bucks veg cycle 65 to 75% humidity temp max 85 to 90. flower same temp just lower humidity to 45 to 50%

grow space

Well-Known Member
gray spots-yeah, they maybe spiderfuckers, so go get some organic bug spray, or if thats not the problem(monitor, monitor, monitor -your plants and see whats what-if you see some moving and little eggs-then its spidermites).and yes-there might be something wrong with your ph-if thats the case use some ph UP or ph DOWN depending on your ph level-keep your ph betweem 6.0-7.0=good is 4 me 6.5.
hope it helps and youl babys shall live this through.
best of luck....


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the advice fellas..i appreciate it!!!.....but the rate these leaves are dien is crazy,its almost like you can watch them die,its hapinin so fast,and the pistils to,,,i have a buddy that grows also,and he just came by and checked them out ,and said to cut and dry befor it the whole bud turns yellow,,,sooo thanks again guys,and best of luck to you and your grows also...


sorry to hear that dont give up just start over next time realy watch your humidity especially when flowering