Help me, what do you think of this binger ? NEED TO DECIDE BY TOMORROW NIGHT

Hi, first post here whats up all. 413 western mass is where im from.

well on to the topic at hand, ok i have a tall green beaker illadelph, its a beast but im interested in trying out something with percs. Illadelph a/c's are a little pricey and I also want something a little smaller, a lap binger if you will. Anyway, went to the local head shops.. nice stuff but very pricey. checked out craigslist on a whim.. found this little guy. seller says its 12", has 2 percs. heres a pic its rezzed the f out here so its not looking its best.


couldnt find much info on the brand but a few threads saying its a decent brand.

now the only thing that has me sketching out is the seller said its 12".. jeez 2 percs in 12" i dunno doesnt seem right to me.

Now ive talked the seller down to $80, which compared to stuff in shops and on AQT is a steal. Owner got it preowned which might be why its so cheap, i dont know. Or it could be fugazi from china/ a fleamarket i dont know.

now what do you think.. is something fishy here or is it really just a 12" with 2 percs.. for $80. doesnt really seem right. any help is appreciated, thank you.


Well-Known Member
that looks more than 12 inches, maybe its just the goofy angle that the picture is taken but it looks like the seller doesnt know how to work a tape measure