Help Me with My Plants Please!

alright so over the past few weeks i have noticed some plants growing in my back yard from when i have thrown seeds out the window or what ever, well some of them had started growing pretty nicely i have 2 plants that are maybe just over a foot tall and have 10+ leaf stems, and what i really want to know is, is there any way for me to know when they are going to flower and also can i dig them up to move them indoors.:joint: thanks for any answers that may help i need it aha, and im not sure about light schedual or anything like nutes and shit so help me on that too. as far as i know there are no mites and the plants are atlast 95% heathly if not 100


Well-Known Member
Those babies look sweet. Hope someone can help you out. I'm an indoor grower this looks like a job for a more experienced outdoor/indoor grower.
well im totally an ameture so any advice really would help. are these still in the veg. stage? do they need to get bigger to bud? does anybody have any idea on how old they think these might be, because i just descoverd them so i have no clue.


Well-Known Member
alright so over the past few weeks i have noticed some plants growing in my back yard from when i have thrown seeds out the window or what ever, well some of them had started growing pretty nicely i have 2 plants that are maybe just over a foot tall and have 10+ leaf stems, and what i really want to know is, is there any way for me to know when they are going to flower and also can i dig them up to move them indoors.:joint: thanks for any answers that may help i need it aha, and im not sure about light schedual or anything like nutes and shit so help me on that too. as far as i know there are no mites and the plants are atlast 95% heathly if not 100
they are looking fuckin nice.

if you dig them up they are gonna be seriously shocked for 1-3 weeks. they could even possibly die

the only way you can tell how long they will flower is if you can figure out if they are indicas or sativas

do you remember the smoke????

if not as it gets bigger a indica will be more bushy and short and compact and a sativa will get longer and stretch out farther between each node. (be careful becuase a male does the same thing)


Well-Known Member
well im totally an ameture so any advice really would help. are these still in the veg. stage? do they need to get bigger to bud? does anybody have any idea on how old they think these might be, because i just descoverd them so i have no clue.
They are still vegging from what I can see...they look about a month and a half old maybe 2 months. They are mature enough to bud. Very healthy! you have any CFL lights to put them under if you bring them inside? Like maybe a small closet set up?
Those babies look sweet. Hope someone can help you out. I'm an indoor grower this looks like a job for a more experienced outdoor/indoor grower.
do you think i could move these indoors? or atleast move locations, i wanted to go for a hydroponics system but idk if i can start one with these guys already growing outside. i had some plants before about this size with alot less foliage and i tried to move them inside and they quickly wilted.


Active Member
If you dig them up start at least 1ft out from the plant at go at least 1ft down, shake the extra dirt off the plant into a container until you have the plant and most of its roots. transplant to the container you want and water well. do not fertilize at all for at minium a week. Let the plant have time to take root into the new soil.

Although you should leave them where they are at if at all possible.
They are still vegging from what I can see...they look about a month and a half old maybe 2 months. They are mature enough to bud. Very healthy! you have any CFL lights to put them under if you bring them inside? Like maybe a small closet set up?
i do have a light weather it is cfl or high pressure sodium i dont know, i do have a 1000 wat sodium bulb and fixture aroud the house somewhere tho.


Well-Known Member
do you think i could move these indoors? or atleast move locations, i wanted to go for a hydroponics system but idk if i can start one with these guys already growing outside. i had some plants before about this size with alot less foliage and i tried to move them inside and they quickly wilted.
I have never taken a plant from out of the ground and brought it inside. But if you do bring them inside and they survive...I think a soil medium would be best since that's what they were started in. And If all else fails...Read up on cloning, you might be able to get some cutting from these ladies before they start to flower which would be like 4 months from now.
they are looking fuckin nice.

if you dig them up they are gonna be seriously shocked for 1-3 weeks. they could even possibly die

the only way you can tell how long they will flower is if you can figure out if they are indicas or sativas

do you remember the smoke????

if not as it gets bigger a indica will be more bushy and short and compact and a sativa will get longer and stretch out farther between each node. (be careful becuase a male does the same thing)
i do remember that the smoke was mostly body high with a little head high and made me tiered after i came down


Well-Known Member
i do remember that the smoke was mostly body high with a little head high and made me tiered after i came down
sounds like a indica dominant hybrid. i would say closer to october outdoors. but who knows i could be completely wrong im just using the info given

you should take cannaboys advice and make some clones off the plants and flower them indoors.
alright sounds good, how long should i wait to start cloning? what is the best rooting comp. and do i need a rooting comp or can i just stick them in a nice soil mix?