help my babies!!


Well-Known Member
im new to growing indoors my 3 girls are growing strong im into first day of the first week of flowering Im using a 150 watt hps light in a 2x3 mylar covered area my air circulation isnt the greatest only have a fan running high osc. it gets pretty humid and hot. My problem is that my stems have started to turn purple the lower older stems are more purple they are also drooping alot. then also ive notice that on my tips of my older leaves they are starting to turn yellow and frill up (im posting pics) im using root organics coco fiber soil-less media organic in five gallon buckets im using 15ml per gallon which is recommended my ph is a little high at using distilled water from my local grocery store to water my plants What do you guys think? I appreciate the help and interest and thanks for welcoming me here : D toke up one love



Well-Known Member
yes i do have two in one bucket but i figured with as little as my room is and how much space they have it will be okay


New Member
Youre probably just overwatering them. Another thing.. That light isnt great, a 150 isn't going to do much in flower. Veg it's probably okay for one plant but I'd upgrade. Let the dirt dry out a bit before you water again. Overwatering also encourages pests and mold/mildew.


Well-Known Member
what watt hps would you suggest 400 or 600 i cant go 1000w to much and thanks bat skunk appreciate the help. how do i know when to water how often do you think that an indoor plants that size needs watering


New Member
Honestly I started with a 400 and did three plants okay under it. I have since ditched it and gone to 600watt. With a 600 you can flower a 4 x4 area pretty well and get a decent yield.. far superior yield than with a 400. My father started with a 250 and while I saw him pull it off, it was a terrible harvest.

With the watering, just let it dry out the best you can before you water again. I like to water 2 to 3 times a week at most. I water when I realize the medium is getting dry. Sometimes I stick my finger in the top layer to feel it, if it's moist I check again the next day.


Active Member
what watt hps would you suggest 400 or 600 i cant go 1000w to much and thanks bat skunk appreciate the help. how do i know when to water how often do you think that an indoor plants that size needs watering
I usually water them every 2-3 days. Or when the soil is dry, when its wet still that means the plant hasnt absorbed all the water yet so adding more isnt good for it.


New Member
I would check out HTG Supply, you can get a 600w electronic ballast kit, with the minisunsoaker reflector, bulb and all shipped for $240ish. Def buy the electronic dimmable. Worth every penny.


These guyz r right! Watch how much u water and how hot it get in ur grow room. I suggest a air cool tube 400 watter. Or make sure u hv a good air intake outtake system.


Well-Known Member
I c burn nut and over watering
water them with correct ph fresh water( no nut) for
2 days and start with middle nut ppm


New Member
They don't really look burnt. At this stage the bottom leaves are going to kind of naturally deteriorate it's pretty normal growth. Overwatering I'm sure of. But other than that she doesn't look too bad.

Grow mo

Active Member
Youre probably just overwatering them. Another thing.. That light isnt great, a 150 isn't going to do much in flower. Veg it's probably okay for one plant but I'd upgrade. Let the dirt dry out a bit before you water again. Overwatering also encourages pests and mold/mildew.
dont listen to this guy, a 150 watt can go a long way, thats what i used my first grow and i got a good amount of herb and it was killer.


New Member
Yea don't listen to me. I don't know what I'm talking about. Pfft.
It's only completely friggin obvious 90,000 plus lumens is going to produce a hell of alot more bud than a 16,000 lumen 150 watt.

Some of "His Threads"

my light cycle was on 24/0 but my breaker flipped and the light was off for about thirty minutes to an hour. when i discovered the light had been off i immediately turned the light back on (not thinking) but then i thought "no ill just switch the cycle to 18/6 now right? the light had then been on for atleast six minutes but then i shut it off and blacked out the room almost instantly. my main concern is will the plants shock???!! please respond asap
p.s. i have two plants. one clone and one grown from seed, both about five weeks under 150w HPS
so my 1000 watt light is capable of staying very cool and i can literally put the plant as close to the bulb as i want, so my question is, can the plant be be too close? will the intensity damage the plant or somethin?
so my plant is about 12 inches right now, and due to space restrictions the max height it can reach is 34 inches. should i switch it to flowering right now or wait til its gets to 20 inches?
Real expert here he is.