help my seedlings are bent over:(:( PICS


Active Member

hey guys my seedlings are sprouting from the soil but are really bent over... they look as if they arent going to go straight up.. they are almost twisted and facing towards the soil... please help.. thanks



1st, stupid question im sure but you planted them with the little nubbin facing down after germinating, right? second, how old are these guys??


Active Member
I planted them with the little root that emerged into soil first?? they are 3 days old.. there is one good 1 out of them that is doing well.. what shoul i do they are to delecate to try and bend and i dont want to tear out the root,, shame they look nice and healthy aswell:( please help this is my first grow ..thanks EcKtOpLaZm

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
relax man there fine they still have the seed caseing on most of them, move the light a little closer, what light are you useing by the way?


Well-Known Member
That is naturally how a seed uncurls. The roots dig down and grab hold, then they raise the seed head out of the soil and shed the casing and reveal leaves.


Active Member
One other tip make sure you don't over water them when this young. They may also keel over like that if you do.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering will be easy for you to do since you don't have much drainage on the soil you're using from my looks of it.

try to water with a mister for a week, thats what I did worked fine.


Active Member
hey im using 4 40 watt cfl lights just for the seedlings.. but i have a 600 watt hps im going to use in a cuple of weeks.. the one that is really bent looks like its deformed or something i planted it with another at the exact same time and the other is straight up about an inch with tiny leaves... should i just let them be ?? will they grow straight and uncurl eventully?? thanks ecktoplazm


Yeah, if they are that young leave em be for now. just like the other dudes said be careful about over watering and try to keep your light close. but being as young as they are i would give them a bit more time, maybe 2-3 days, before you start to really worry. And resist the temptation to try to fix them, because they are super easy to damage when they are that little. Happy Flying!!


Well-Known Member
Overwatering will be easy for you to do since you don't have much drainage on the soil you're using from my looks of it.

try to water with a mister for a week, thats what I did worked fine.
steezz is right, it looks like you've over watered and I don't see any drain holes in the bottom of the cup. Cut a couple of drain holes in the cups and let them dry a bit.


Active Member
thanks for the info guys.. thats put me at rest for a bit lol i thought they were gona die as they were so bent.. i have 4 rather large pen holes in the bottom of each cup and they have been there since the start of growth.. also i dont water them that much i just drip a small amount over them when dryed up then mist afterwards.. what size should i let them get to before i put them under my 600 watt hps?? Also i have them under 4 40watt cfl strip lights for 24 hours per day... should i put them to 18/6 and keep them this way all the way to flowering??? thanks for this info guys.. ecktoplazm


Active Member
First off I would not have started them in a clear cup, if the roots make it to the out edge of the cup the light will cause the roots to die and turn brown. From your pics it seems you have the lights to far away, if the seedling get to lanky they will fall over from the weight of the leafs......this can be fixed by adding soil around the stem to support the seedling. All seedling watering can be done with a fine mist, just need to keep the soil moist not wet. I also find seedling do better when placed in a starter tray with a humidity dome. Im not sure why some people think a MH or HPS is to strong for seedlings, its long as your temps are in check its all good. I use a 400w MH for all seedlings on a 18/6 light cycle.......remember in comparison to the SUN, our lights are pretty weak. Good luck



Active Member
i have a 600 hps hand i do have a humidity dome,,"incubator" i just took the lid off to take the pic.. how close should i keep the babys from my 600?? i dont want to burn them..also what age should i start giving them nuets?? i am going to go with the 18/6... thanks bro


Active Member
i have a 600 hps hand i do have a humidity dome,,"incubator" i just took the lid off to take the pic.. how close should i keep the babys from my 600?? i dont want to burn them..also what age should i start giving them nuets?? i am going to go with the 18/6... thanks bro
Well if you have a cool/vented hood, you should be able to keep the 600w hps about 18-24 from the top of the plants, if you do not have a air cooled hood, then it might be hard as you want temps to be no higher than 85, but idealy about 75 degress. Seedling like a very humid enviroment (80%+RH), so I like to use a the dome untill they are on thier 2nd to 3rd node, at that point I transpant them into the big pots.(no more dome) I keep my 400w MH at 18-20" above the canopy. A good rule of thumb is, if the heat from the lamp is hot on the back of your hand at canopy level, then its to hot for your plants. I use a mix of Fox Farms ocean forest soil, light warrior seed starter soil, perlite, and lime (lime added at 1.5cups per qubic sqft of soil) so depending on what soil you use, will also depend on when nutes should be started.....some soil can be hotter (has more nutes in it) In general I dont give them any nutes for the first two to three weeks of growth. Start nutes at 1/2 the general feeding recomended amounts and see how your plants react, once you know how to read your plants, feeding and watering will become easy. Hope this helps, and good luck on your grow.



Active Member
i was a bit worried about the cups.. think i mite just tape some dark paper around them to be on the safe side.. Also guys i was reading about hermies ?? i have purchased 15 feminized seeds from sensi seed bank 5 ak47 5superskunk and 5 early skunk,,, whats the chances of these being hermi?? and how can i tell if they are?? thanks again ecktoplazm