HELP NEEDED!! 1st indoor grow


Active Member
Hey guys, after alot of thinking ive decided to grow indoors.. im not looking to grow copius amounts but i hope to supply myself with good quality cannabis.. Im not to firmiliar with all the equiptment i would need to 3 plants, im looking to keep them fairly "low" just for space conservation and wish to keep the smell to a MINIMUM. have so far, every suggestion is appreciated!!!!

here is what i have so far:

a 150w hps
a 150w metal hallide
and a 50w hps

do you think this will be enuf light to support 3 girls?
and are there any other useful equipment i should purchase?
keep in mind, i am about QUALITY NOT QUANTITY... =)


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Hey guys, after alot of thinking ive decided to grow indoors.. im not looking to grow copius amounts but i hope to supply myself with good quality cannabis.. Im not to firmiliar with all the equiptment i would need to 3 plants, im looking to keep them fairly "low" just for space conservation and wish to keep the smell to a MINIMUM. have so far, every suggestion is appreciated!!!!

here is what i have so far:

a 150w hps
a 150w metal hallide
and a 50w hps

do you think this will be enuf light to support 3 girls?
and are there any other useful equipment i should purchase?
keep in mind, i am about QUALITY NOT QUANTITY... =)
oh yes its perfect man. :joint::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
yes it will work....a general rule of thumb is 50w per plant? though I suppose it also depends on other factos already size, ventilation, etc.


Active Member
Well its good to know i have enuf lighting.. The lights are GE Lucalox lamps..
i have no electical knowledge what so ever so wiring my setup is gunna be the challange .. im going to grow at max 3 plants mabey just 1 in a wooden cabinet in my closet with a fan in the top corner of the box and a tube running out the other corner to my window for smell reasons unless u have any other suggestions!


Active Member
Would you grow in somthing other than a enclosed box, I need some ideas on a slick and efficiant way to grow in my room disreetly.. i have NO problem grown 1 plant at a time so any feed back would help me ALOT!!!


The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
i would grow one plant and top it many times to get a bunch of tops. you can veg it and keep topping for as long as you want, you can have as many as 50 grow sites...


Active Member
all i have is the bulbs tho man.. what kind of setup could i use for that that's not too expensive, see i live with my parents and i dont think theyd care if i grew it as long as it didnt stink up the house and isnt easy to notice when there freinds come over.. lol.. may seem stupid but you gotta respect the ones who wiped ur ass for 2 years ya know what i mean, i just dont want it to LOOK like im growing weed!

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
just get creative, you have the most important part, just grow one plant, you dont have enough light for more than that. You can make a grow box out of a cardboard box if you need to, just something to trap the light, one plant isnt going to stink up your house, just keep an incense running when company comes.


Active Member
lol... quite smart.. i remeber growing outdoors last year and i had 1 plant.. and omg man.. when she flowered i could smell it from 50 feet away at least.
sooooooo stanky... ill think of somthin smart.. sit down smoke a bowl and create!.. gotta love life. ill keep u posted on whats up thanks fer the inspiration!!!!


Active Member
Alright i need some expert advice on this one.. i onle have bulbs right, and im a complete noob at electrical stuff so i need to know what to buy to wire my box properly and not blow anything up or start a fire..

God bless!

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
oh boy... my suggestion to you would be red a lot, there are FAQ's here, along with many threads with endless amounts of information... THEN find your local indoor grow shop, they will be able to show and teach you a lot. their information is invaluable... be as descrete and polite as possible, and ask a lot of questions! 99% of the grow shop owners out there are ex growers, but they just can't tell you that ;-P


Well-Known Member
correct.. and to behonest man i have no clue WTF a ballast is any help would be EXELENT!
Ok. Your gonna need a lot more than bulbs homie. First off a balast is the most important piece of equiptment when it comes to your light. HID lights come in many sizes, typically 150, 400, 600, and 1000, all of which require more juicec than your standard socket can provide. So the balast plugs into the wall, converts your house current into enough energy for your particular light, then another cord connects the socket to the balast. Wall socket > balast > mogel socket > bulb. See. I would inverst in that first since the light is the main component to growing anything. Once you got that out of the way, the next thing you gonna wanna look at is air flow. Alot of times this is ignored but it is a very vital component to plant growth. You need an intake and an exhaust. The capacity of your exhaust should exceed that of your intake. You also want to clear the air in your room 3-5 times a minute. So say you have a grow area that is 2'x3'x5'. That is 30 cu. ft. 30 x 3=90. 30 x 5= 150. So for a room of 30 cu. ft your exhaust should have a capacity of between 90 - 150 cfm. Which like i said previously should exceed that of your intake. THis will provide your plant with fresh air, co2 (if drawn from outside), and will dramatically keep your temps down since HID's produce alot of heat. Lights and Air should be your first investments. Then look at medium. I use organic. Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil is really good. But there is a million products on the market so do some research. Nutrients should be last, but definatley not least. Same as the soil theres a million great products just do some research. If you follow those instructions you are right on point to start a successful basic growroom. Theres many more things you could add, but good lights, air, food, and water is all you really need. Hope this helped!! Good LUCK.