Help new plants yellowing/gnarled *PICS*


Active Member
Yeah i don't know whats going on they started out fine and all the sudden this started happening. It wasn't due to some type of change either, because everything has been the same. 2 flouros 2 CFL's (real close), no nutes just MG organic mix (could be it i guess!), but i do use tap water that could be it also. I just started doing the CO2 but that was after this happened, to see if it would help, but not so far.



Well-Known Member
Mine are doing the very same thing, but mine are even curling down and drooping. I wish I could help you but I'm interested to see the answer.


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
When they are that small just water them with some filtered water for a while and don't over-water.


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
They probably don't need any nutes just let those little roots stretch out...thats why you don't over water. When they are young like that you can love them too much...they aren't really weeds but are pretty hardy.


Active Member
yeah im going to go out and get some. i know it is supposed to be evenly mixed in the soil, can i just kind of mix it around in the soil already there?


Active Member
Spray them with some salt free seltzer water:) and wait till the soil gets dry about 1-2.5" down then water.:) :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
first check the ph of the soil, second that plant doesnt need any nutrients yet. Just water when soil is dry with ph'd reverse osmosis water. If i am right the MG organic soil already has perlite and vermiculite. the second post sounds like that guy ( sorry forgot name ) is either over or under watering or bad ph in the for soil should be 6.8


Active Member
well what do you think is the problem then? im not adding nutes or atleast didnt plan on it until, someone mentioned my plants looked like a N deficiecy. So then i started questioning on how to pusue that. Anyways, disregard all that, what would my problem be, i havent done any nutes, changes or anything. could it be the tap water i am using probably, AND IF SO HOW DO I FIX IT. Do i just start using the correct pH water and it will kind of fix itself?


Well-Known Member
well you did unintentionaly give them nutes the MG soil has nutrients in it already. This is no big deal as your plant is not suffering too bad. I would Ph the soil and let your tap water sit out a day or two before you use it. Ph your water as well. You will be needing nutes around the 4th or 5th node so just water for now. When you transplant use a good soil with a neutral ph much easier to manage for a beginning grower, make sure it has vermiculite and perlite, with no nutes. Then you can control the nutes on your own. Ph is very important.


Active Member
alright thanks kaosowner, but i do have one more question. After they started yellowing and drying up, they are not growing at all it seems like. Is this because of the shock or what?


Active Member
anyone? the plant that is in my two first pics with the yellow/brown tips completely shriivled up and died yesterday too. sux