HELP! Nute Burn, CalMAg deff, or PH damage?! whats going on here? PICS!


Active Member
so i used FFOF trio big bloom tiger bloom and grow big. i just started using beastie bloom about a week ago along with silica blast by botanicare and just picked up some Calmag yesterday.

im week 6 into flower can anyone tell me what is going on with these plants? i think i narrowed it down to nute burn, PH imbalance or cal mag deficiency. veins are yellowing and browning and drying out. blotchy leaves that eventually turn crispy and die. also some leafes that are healthy have blackening tips. not dead but just turning black? i started using ferts every other watering to try to see if that helps. also the PH of my water doesnt change when i add my nutes, ive even waited for 10 minutes and still at 6.8-7. is this weird? i don't think they are supposed to be nuetral but im not complaining i hate using ph up and down solutions they are tricky.

also i have 5 diff strains and this is only happening on the GDP and purple kush and not on the bubba kush, chem dawg or Green kush plants..? this makes it hard to tell what exactly is wrong.

here some pics can anyone verify that this is nute burn so i can flush my plants and not some kind of deficiency? i hope this wont affect the yield in 3 weeks?? thanks any info is appreciated!

can they be saved or is it too late? will it just keep getting worse until it takes over the buds. im wondering if i should chop it early and not risk it hitting the buds?? any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
It looks like a pH problem to me. Your pH should change the pH of your water when you use FF nutrients. What kind of water are you using and do you have a pH meter?


Active Member
i thought so but i would figure that a PH problem would affect all plants and not just one or two strains. im using tap water and my ph never changes it always stays at around 6.8-7 my runoff is around 5.5 tho not sure what this means yet heh. i have the ph up and down kit with the test vial and the droplets. its kinda hard to tell accurately the ph between 5-8 but i even used a soil probe meter to test it and it stays at 6.8 even when i put the FF nutes into the water. i just checked the soil ph and one of the pots read around 5.5 im sure that is too low i think im getting some kind of lockout. whats the best solution for ph trouble heavy flush?


Active Member
hmm i think im getting potassium lockout because it just started happening when i started using beastie bloom. what should i do? lights just went off so its hard to work in there right now. (its morning)


Well-Known Member
I've been doing some GDP for quite a few runs. Usually, I've had no problems. Last time though, I let them get too big for their space, and it turned into a big cluster-fuck - and I wound up with a little mold. So, this time I wound up over compensating, and flipped when they were too small. It seems like I got the same problem as you - pretty much looks the same. I know my pH is fine. I'm thinking that using my usual strength of nutrients on such small plants was the problem, since I do know that the exact same nutrient recipe has worked out just fine on other runs. Next time, I'm definitely going to give them more time between transplant and flip.

I'm not saying that you needed to give them more growing time before flip and flowering nutes, but it is possible that you were giving them too much.


Well-Known Member
One other thing... I'm just about to the end of my cycle. Despite the leaves looking the same as yours do, it seems like the final output will be decent. It's less than usual, but considering the smallness overall of the plants this time, it still looks like I'll do alright.

What I wound up doing when this happened was to give a really good flush, then do a 1/2 feeding the next time... then start slowly building up the nutrient levels each watering.


Active Member
thanks for the input leo.. it seems like ive been getting some kind of P and K lockout followed but Mg lockout i think my PH is too low when it hits my soil and is locking out these nutes. i think im going to try a heavy flush when lights come on tonight and then save up for a PH pen. i definitely getting some fine dolomite lime to mix in with my soil to keep my ph in check in the future. and i might invest in some organic nutes that are PH balanced. yield is gona suffer for sure. and im not even sure if i want to make hash out of these trimmings hehe. good thing my 5 other plants are perfectly healthy im going to scrap GDP and Purple kush from future grows and stick to the stronger strains.

im about 2-3 weeks away from finishing them and despite the way the leaves look the buds still look ok. hopefully i can save em


Well-Known Member
Hi mate this has just happened to me.... pic below.

This happened to a few of my plant's when the AC unit went down for like three hours. And the temp's soared to 38DC.

When the temp's go right up like they did, This changes the humidity in the grow area and suck's out moisture from the top leaves of the plants. This is because the plant cannot replace the loss of fluid as fast its loosing it.

Unfortunately the damage is permanent to the affected leave's. But doe's not affect the new growth leave's as long as the temp is under control. I did a good 8 hours of research on this. It is rare that it happens and some strains will suffer and others wont.

Mag/Cal play a part in this too. just give the affected plant's a shot of each Mag/Cal and normal growth should come back within a week. No need to crop them now if you have three weeks left.

I have 4 weeks with mine and the bud's are packing on weight even with the damage to the leave's...

Hope this help's.

P.s try lowering the temp's a bit and adding the Mag/Cal.... And take it easy bro... Everything will be fine..




Active Member
hmm i dont think they are the same bro. it looks like yours are starting on the outsides of the leaf and your veins look green. my veins are yellowing and turning rusty and botches of rust all over the leaf the temps have only gone over 85 on one occasion when some ducting slipped loose so im sure that didnt help.

the reason why i think so is because it hasn't affected only the top of the plant lower branches are being affected too they start green with small spots then the spots take over the leaf. its happened over a course of 2 weeks since i started using a lot of NPK and not having very accurate PH readings. the white hairs are browning also :(


Well-Known Member
Shit bro. Sorry to here of that. As a comparison. Mine happened over 24 hours.... So your prob right. Hope you sort it out....



Well-Known Member
Definitely save up for a pH pen. I have the Hanna 98129 and it has been working great. Just flush with plain water or a flushing solution and then continue with nutrients next feeding.

Edit: Also, it helps to leave your tap out for 24 hours. I have my tap water in a 5 gallon bucket with an airstone. I also use Botanicare Cal-Mag because FF soil/nutrients don't have enough.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
If it is only happening to one strain then maybe it is just not taking all of those nutrients as well as the others. some strains can handle more and others less. i would look into that knawmean


Active Member
well i was thinking since they are on week 6 if i should just start giving them their finishing flush and stop using nutes? maybe still use a bit of silica and cal mag with every flush?? what do you guys think? im really concerned about taste so ill do whatever it takes to keep them from tasting like grass or hay. any finishing tips to get real good flavor?


Well-Known Member
You might want to feed it 1 more dosage of nutrients after you flush, and then just use plain water/molasses (un-sulphured) for the last 2 weeks or up until harvest.

With FF soils, I have found that flushing makes very little difference. With one plant, I had watered it 2x with plain water after feeding nutrients and then used Flora Kleen for the final flush. Once the soil dried, I harvested the plant. With another plant, I fed nutrients, then plain water, followed by Flora Kleen and then harvested. For another plant, I used plain water 2x followed by a flush with molasses and one last watering before harvesting. The smoke was all the same.


Active Member
hmmm i dont like the sound of that. is that good or bad? how was the smoke? im all about taste does ocean forest impart a bad taste? ive never heard this before. weird that flushing made no difference bc there are a lot of salts especially bc im using the FF trio of nutes. ive read that people sometimes flush 21 days before chopping. where do i get the unsulfured molasses? are there any good ways to fix the ph of my soil this far into flowering?


Well-Known Member
The smoke was all good across the board as in no harsh chemical taste or anything of that sort and I harvested around 3 weeks ago. I dried for 3 days, and then put into jars which I burped a few times daily. I also used the entire line of FF nutrients + solubles, botanicare cal-mag, and molasses with Happy Frog soil. FF is mostly organic based although not 100%, so you don't need to flush as you would chemical nutrients. For example, for the last 2 weeks, you can just use pH adjusted water and molasses and that alone should flush your soil. If you are worried about having a harsh taste, then invest in some Final Flush or Flora Kleen or any other flushing agent. That alone, should remove any buildup in one shot and then you can just use plain water/molasses. You can get molasses from any organic/healthy food store. Like Mothers Market. Call around and ask for un-sulfured blackstrap molasses. The brand I use is called Plantation Organic. To adjust your pH, you just need to flush with pH adjusted water I believe. Or you can look into adding some dolomite lime which is supposed to stabilize the pH.


Like BongMarley said, you can get unsulfured blackstrap molasses at an organic food store in bulk. It cost me .99cents a pound! Super cheap! I'm using it for the last 10 days of flowering. That's my flush process, however, I did get a nute lock issue with salt build-up and I used Clearex to unlock it. The lock resulted in a phosphorus, ca, mg deficiency. All was due to the salt build-up. Go get Clearex tomorrow and use 1/2 oz. per gallon of H2O. Use it for about a week or more, until you start noticing a difference in your plants. Hopefully, they will rejoice! Good luck brother and happy harvest!


Active Member
thanks guys you pretty much agree with all my thoughts and research so far. thanks for the info i appreciate it. im gona flush em tonight and go get some clearex tomorrow and hopefully i can save them in time. stems are still green buds are still green but the leaves on the main colas are pretty bad turnin rusty and dead. least i still have 5 other healthy plants :P


Active Member
I have run GDP and have seen the same is a sensitive strain....prone to burning compared with kushes and such......Nute burn for sure......Flush time!
Yeap, time to flush em out. I do dirt, and hydro, and if I ever see nute burn comin' I dump my rez and fill it with fresh water, and a clearing solution or some sort, there's different brands, and I think they're all pretty similar. And most are good for dirt, and hydro applications. I use FloraKleen, but I'm sure Clearex, and Final Flush, are comparable.