help on urine test


Active Member

This well help you if you need to do a test and dont want to spend money on a quick fix cleanse drink or don't have the cash.

This will only work for a unsupervised test and if you know it well be a urine test.


plastic bottle
digital therometer
clean urine
toe warmers with the adhesive side
thermal sweats, masking tape, or a rubber knife strap
Glad press and seal
toothpick, safety pins

1: The bottle I use is the bottle that camping soap comes in from Wally world. It can be found in the camping aisle, bottle is a see-through bottle filled with green soap with a white top. I like this bottle because it holds quite a bit of urine and has a pop up tip with a screw on cap.

While at Wally world pick up your therometer, toe warmers if they have them, Glad press and seal.

2: Get clean urine from somebody you trust, same gender, and it's best to get it on the morning you will be using it.

3: Wash the bottle out really good, till your happy with it. Fill the bottle all the way up with urine, if you don't there might be a slouching noise in between your pants which might give you off. Once filled, cut out a rectangle of the press and seal, fold it in half and cover the tip of the bottle and the sides of the tip. Place the cap back on and trim the press and seal. Then put one or two toe warmers on it, and wrap it with a shirt to help the warmers heat up. The urine can and well get over a 100 degrees.

4: Now for me it usually goes like this

Go to my test or job interview, with the bottle ready wrapped in a shirt inside my car. Sometimes if you do get the job they will pull a quick one and ask you to go your test right away.

I wear thermals( one with a pocket like opening on the crouch) when I go, at home I adjust the bottle inside the thermals so it hangs just right over my unit. If you need to use safety pins to help adjust. I check my tempature either outside the facility or stop at a convenience store bathroom. I like a tempature between 97-99 degrees the tempature will hold at that tempature for like 15 minutes or so and go down rather slowly. Thats with the toe warmer removed. I've gone in with a 100 degree temp or a low 90 temp with the toe warmer on. Just make the right choice, because there might be people waiting inside already or they stall a little bit.

Then I just stick the bottle inside my thermals and walk in like nobodys business.

Once inside it goes like this

Sign in, give them your paperwork

Wait till they get ready for you, drink some water or just sit down

Once called they will have you empty your pockets and wash your hands. Once they asked me to lift my shirt to check the rim of my pants and the bottom of my jeans to see if there was anything in my socks.

Pick one out of the two kits they tell you to choose from, they will open it and give you the jar to fill.

Inside the rest room unzip, pull the bottle out poke a hole through the hole of the top and through the Glad press and seal( press and seal prevents any leaks from happening).

Fill the jar up, always give more then what they asked for, and just squeeze the rest of the urine in toilet, it will also sound like your urinating.

Once done put the bottle back in the thermals.

Just do the same with masking tape or rubber knife strap. But with these you will have to stop at somewhere close by to check your temps( higher temps are better since you will take more time) and then tape or strap to the inside of your thigh. Where you feel comfortable and it won't be noticed. If you have to brake the tape just stick the bottle in your socks. These can be quite painfull. I'v used both of these and passed.

Remember to pick everything back up once done.

Now when you hand them the jar they might do the instant test or just send it to the lab or both. They will also check the tempature with the temp strip on the side of the jar.

Just be polite and confident and it will go smoothley.

I've done this countless times and has always work for unsupervised tests( like pre-employment). For a salvia test I recommend the toxin rid mouthwash from
used and it worked great, but you have to follow directions very closely. Also will probably be the nastiest thing you will ever taste.

A little practice at home help to, when in dought just go clean for a while.

Hope this helps somebody.

Feel free to ask ?s
