Help, Plant is looking worse and worse every day


My baby is on week 5 of 12/12 and it's getting worse and worse. I have posted before on the related note: about a week ago and I was suggested that it is an N deficiency.
I brewed an AACT to feed her, but it does not look like the plant is getting any better.
Pale green color of canopy (used to be darker green)
Leaves tips curling upwards
Beginning of yellowing on the leaves edges
Strange spots across all leaves
Leaves feel very dry to touch, paper like feel.

I use soil and CFL lighting.

Pictures attached:



Well-Known Member
Well all of those plants look now like they have too much ferts to me...So...I would perhaps try to flush when next the plant goes dry....just flush really really really thoroughly...and then proceed and see how it goes...when I have one start to get iffy like this towards the end I just let it limp on to the finish...and the results are never too is what it is...but you will only make it worse by adding all the things people will tell you you need...


Well-Known Member
Can you link me to the thread where you asked the first time...before you added more stuff to it?


Well-Known Member
Sorry about that...I see that you already did...well here is the bad fed an overfed plant to fix the symptoms of I have done it myself...So, don't feel too awful...anyway so go on and do the flush...I don't think you'll need to feed again for at least a couple ya go...flush and then don't feed.


Thanks for the reply missnu, but are you sure it is overfeed and not K deficiency for example? I do not want to do something (or not to do in this case) again to hurt it even more.
I mean, should not she be hungry for K and P in this stage?

P.S. Will the trick in your sig work? I really do not want to flush as I am growing organic and flushing will destroy the "micro system".


Well-Known Member
Well I am positive it is overfeed...for sure. Now there might be some other issue going on, but that is the thing with overfeed...when one thing is too high it stops other nutes from being absorbed as a lot of times overfeeding nitrogen will cause deficiencies of other minerals...You don't have to flush but the worst thing you can do is to keep adding nutes...regardless of their content...until the nitrogen is lower the plant won't take in unless you fix the overage of nitrogen you will keep seeing deficiencies...but you can't fix those deficiencies by adding more nutes, only by reducing the amount of nitrogen so that the other nutes start getting taken up again.


Thanks missnu,
Can I then follow your signature's advice: "Nitrogen overdose? Add a couple tablespoons of sugar to a gallon of Ph balanced water...then proceed as normal, with less N..." ??
If so, how long should I wait till the next feed?


Active Member
If i where to take a swing at it

I think it is a Cal/MG DEF like 95% of problems out there .

The leaves are yellowing from the outside edges, And are curling up.
a NUTE burn tends to look a bit diff.

Did you use the recommended dose on the bottle? Or did you use a little less?

What are the temps in the room? The purple stem is a sign of a DEF
Good luck buddy


LOL, that's quite awesome.
I have one person saying: N deficiency
Another person: Over fertilization
And yet another one: Cal/Mg deficiency
Right now I am kind of lost :-/ I think I will go with overfed suggestion and stop using AACT for a week, and after that brew low N one.