HELP! Plant = yellow & Brown spotting


Active Member
sooooo, here i am again in need of your guys's help. so I just transplanted a plant from one pot to another... and now there are yellow and brown spots on the leaves anyone have any idea what it could be... I'm using a CFL for my lighting its about 1.5-2 in away I have two vent holes about 2 in. in diameter. One in the middle, and one on top... I dont have a fan and I'm using tinfoil and i know its bad to use tinfoil, but its the most reflective thing i have... either that or is a brown box... but any ways here are some pictures and sorry for using soo many "..."'s But if anyonecant help these plants get better that'd be awsome. oh yah and another thing too, I'm not using the super reflective side, I'm using the dull side.



Well-Known Member
looks like a deficiency in nitrogen... (a) tips aren't burnt (b) starting at the bottom and working it's way up the plant (c) discoloration is happening mostly inbetween the veins of the leaf


Active Member
I just fed both my plants some nutes today so it should be alright../ I'll see how they do after the next couple days... hopefully it'll be alright.

and i was just thinking should i maybe flush the soil before i put new nutrients in? also the soil i am using used to have another plant in it now its just the ol mary jane plant... but i was wondering if i should do that and then put some in again, just to be safe, or just leave it and see how they are after a couple days.