HELP please..cfls


Active Member
i keep hearing diferent peaple tell me differrent things. ..what cfls do i use for vegg??...and which do i use for flow/budd??? i keep gettin all these answers so someone that knows what there talkin about please help..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
from what i here is all the same mh & blue spectrom 4 veg. & hps & red spec. 4 bud. DAAAAA----------


Active Member
how many cfls do i need for 7.5 cubic feet of space. approx 4 plants. && what wattage. Also should i get the clouded ones or the clear?


Well-Known Member
yea there ya go blue for vegg an red for flower case close but ive tryed mixing thim b4 i think i was better off jst using the blue spec for vegging


Active Member
look at the specrum ll kits come with blue spectrum for grow & red for bud and proper shade with 6ft cord & ceramic socket.
SH Hydroponics > Horticultural Light Systems
I use 3 85watt CFL's for a 4x8x6 room and they work perfect 10 plants. I also use 1 85 watt CFL for my starting file cabinet works Perfect. I would suggest you give me dimensions of your cabinet Jimbo 123.


Well-Known Member
i keep hearing diferent peaple tell me differrent things. ..what cfls do i use for vegg??...and which do i use for flow/budd??? i keep gettin all these answers so someone that knows what there talkin about please help..
I would guess all the people that know what they are talking about use MH and HPS.........It is way worth it!!! I use those little cork screw looking light bulb things around the house in the living room or bedrooms to light my room. Just my 2 cents! So if you are buying lights, save a little longer and get a MH or HPS! Hope whatever you do, you get some great smoke! :)


Well-Known Member
i use a 400w MH and a 600w HPS throughout my entire grow and really like the results. However, if the electric bill concerns you, live in a warm climate, or if you have limited vertical grow space, definitely look into CFLs - or check out those T5 fixtures i believe they are called. Keep your plants nice and short and you can get a mix of both spectrums and use both spectrums through the whole grow - just like the Sun. Keep them nice and close and get as many as you can afford.

and start a grow journal when you do!