Help! Please my girls are dying in my arms!!!!!!!!


:-( This is my first go at this and I've been reading tell my eyes bleed but I can't find out whats wrong with my girls, (one is already gone) they started dying and fear of overneutrating (I can't spell) I flushed the water put in fresh distilled and a little grow feed and I've had the PH about 6.0 solid for the past few days after flush and they don't look any better, the plants are 16 days old.


Well-Known Member
Hmm i think there done sorry bro. NEVER ever feed nutes for at least a week and a half even 2 weeks. I give a very mild nute mix bout 2 sometimes 2 and half weeks after sprout. Try to flush them and let them go bro only thing you can do now. It might take a few weeks for those little ones to recover if at all.


Well-Known Member
They shouldn't have been fed yet.(or very weak) Sorry man, but without having pressed you for more info, yet, I'd say it's likely that you've burned them beyond repair.


i think maybe if you took them out of the medium and flushed the roots and soaked them in just water for about a day you might be able to salvage one or two