help plz


Well-Known Member
I've got a plant in flower for bout a week and nothing no white hairs or
Nething. My other one is just doing fine does this mean hermie??


Active Member
you didnt post pics... we have no idea what ur seeing... and 1 week into 12/12 does not mean the plant will show sex.


Well-Known Member
My blackberry won't let me upload pics and there both femmed seeds. Like after I get my pics to the phone then try to upload I get all that and try to close out the window from the bottom it won't let me


Well-Known Member
My blackberry won't let me upload pics and there both femmed seeds. Like after I get my pics to the phone then try to upload I get all that and try to close out the window from the bottom it won't let me

Now its welting and some of the branches r flimsy I don't wanna waste the space on a plant that won't flower cuz its abit crowded in there and its just now going on week 2