Help Save my Ladies!!!

Hey All,

First time growing and after having not much luck I am after a bit of advice before I try to germinate my last 5 decent seeds.

Have just germinated 5 critical mass feminized seeds in rockwool. First soaked the rockwool in ph 5.5 water for 12hrs then lightly shook dry. Soaked the seeds in standard distilled water for the same time. After 12 hrs 3 seeds had split and all 5 were transplanted into the cubes tip down about half a cm in then covered with light fluffy rockwool strands. These were all placed under two 18w fluoro grow lights temps averaging around 26-29c.

On the third day the first sprout emerged and the cubes had almost completely dried, I watered each cube with 10mls of ph 6 water no nutrients. By that night I had 4 sprouts emerged. One sprout within hours of coming out had laid flat on its side and had a visibly thinner stem that the others. It's leaves also looked darker green. I watered again on the fourth day with 20mls of water as the cubes had dried again. On the fourth day two of the healthy seedlings had opened their initial leaves and had signs of the first serrated set yet the third remained half closed. It seems almost as though the initial two leaves are actually merged together as one odd shaped leaf.

On the fifth day (yesterday) all of the 4 sprouts had shown tap roots poking through the cubes and were then transplanted to 15L hempy buckets with 100% perlite running to a common reservoir. These are in a room 1.5m by 1.5m and 2m in height running two circulation fans and also an exhaust fan. Temps average 25-32c humidity 50-70%. I removed the fifth unsprouted seed and scored with a razorblade then replanted beside the dropping sprout.These are all under 2 125w Cfls along with 4 random strains running a coco mix (not relevant to the issue but when I get photos up it will explain why theres 4 other plants in the room).

As of last night post transplant they are running on a 15 min water cycle 4 times a day with 1/4 strength nutrients and 1/4 strength rooting hormone on a 30L reservoir. They have now had one full days cycle completed. This morning another seedling is laying flat and going darker and by this evening it had shriveled to the point of the first one.

I am using vinegar at the moment to ph balance until my ph down arrives and find that I am having to constantly adjust (I think due to the buffer in the nutes), this means that my first two overnight feeds after transplant would have been at a high ph. One feed tonight will likely be the same as I will not be awake to balance it. I have propped up the two limp plants using a tie wire frame and added a layer of perlite on top of the rockwool cube for additional stem support.

I've realized that I dont have enough light so I will be adding in two 250w Metal Halides to the grow room in the next week so each bucket has its own light and then rotating plants between the cfl and the mh.

The two seedlings that have laid flat have not recovered and seem to be shriveling and getting darker in color. The seedling with the conjoined leaves has still not opened properly and does not show any serrated leaves. The scored seed has still not sprouted. The one good one is showing growth of the serrated leaves and doesnt seem to be stretching. Getting a bit worried that out of 5 seeds I'll end up with 1 viable plant.


Any ideas what has caused the drooping seeds and what I can do to recover them and/or avoid doing it to the next batch?

Any ideas about the conjoined leaves and if it may well come good or any way to assist?

Is it worth replanting the non starter into fresh rockwool or better off leaving it where it is?

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to not only read this but reply with some help. Hopefully I can get these girls up and running and have a successful grow log to come!

This is the sprouts pre transplant bottom left already fallen over, bottom middle conjoined leaf, bottom right ended up falling over